Happy Birthday Shannon (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
A very,very,very happy birthday Shannon!.Hope you have a great day,thanks for all your help both with orders and the forum,i really appreciate all you do.



Wishing you very many "Happy returns of the day" and hope you enjoy your birthday breakfast in bed (Pete take note!). ;)

Best wishes

Happy Birthday Shannon. Wishing you well today and take the day off. Leadmen
Happy Birthday to HRH :cool: :cool:, one of the great people in this hobby and the whole wide world!!!

Take the day off and let Mandi do all the work. But then again, doesn't she do that already :D
Hope Peter plans on spoiling you today. Best wishes on your birtday.....The Lt.
Gentle Shannon,

Happy Birthday! And,...may you have many more!

Warmest personal regards,

Shannon: My wife says Happy Birthday also and your still very young. I have tanks older then you. :D Happy Birthday from Mary.
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Happy 29th Birthday Shannon, here's to many, many more for you to celebrate............
Happy Birthday Majesty,

Hear Yea, Hear Yea, Three Cheers for Shannon the First, by the Grace of God, of the Kingdom of Toysoldierania and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Baroness of the “Superior” Village of Eyota, Duchess of Picturesque Olmsted County, Countess of the North Star State of Minnesota, Princess of the Land of Liberty the United States of America, Defender of the Faith, Long Live the Queen


Happy Birthday Pal. :)
Thank you one and all!
I had an excellent birthday and appreciated all the birthday wishes posted here.
What did I get for my birthday? Well, among other things a gardening book (Simon and Rob, that will give me some more fodder for the trivia question of the day!) but...(drumroll please....)

From Pete and our son Ben I received...

Toy soldiers!

Yes, for the first time ever I received toy soldiers for my birthday. And not just off the shelf mind (that would make gift-giving quite a no-brainer around here wouldn't it?), but a very special toy soldier set that Pete actually had to send away for.
As many of you know, my personal collection is mostly made up of sample figures and battle-damaged figures with injuries such as arms that have fallen off, or paint that ended up in the wrong place...not exactly most people's idea of a great collection, but I enjoy looking at them. This past year however I added two nurse-related WWI Britain sets to the collection for my own personal enjoyment. As some of you know, before Treefrog Treasures I was a psychiatric nurse.
When I saw the 2006 Christmas Florence Nightingale set from the W. Britains Collector Club in the back of the catalog last year I could just picture how well it would look with the other two, but I SELL toy soldiers, I don't actually go out and buy them for myself (so it begins!) so I restrained myself. But apparently I mentioned this particular set more than once...or twice...or maybe more because there it was in all its glory when I opened the box.

So there you go, a great birthday and now I have yet another thing in common with my customers and all you collectors--I know how it feels to open a toy soldier box and say, "Exactly what I wanted!":D

So thanks again to you all, you've made my birthday even nicer.
Best regards,

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