YO Dave which one is Heid

Ummm....I'm the
Albino who's dancing along to "Play That Funky Music Wwhite Boy", Bernard.
See that BIG guy at the back? His name's "Jimmy Something" and he's a complete 10-star GENTLEMAN. Reminds me of the guy in that Steven King book/Tom Hanks movie, "The Green Mile". Absolutely splendid chap.
He's coming to my hotel tonight for a few beers. Looking forward to that.
Another funny;
See the guy sitting down at the front? He was my "assistant" - and his name is China believe it or not (and that's true). Well, half-way through the job, I'm sitting in the coffee shop having a smoke and thinking to myself that things are going well for once on this farce of a job, when China turns up.
"Misstaah Harry - the Big Boss has stopped the job, you'ld better come and see whut's wrong".
So, I goes out to see whut's wrong, only to discover that the job's been stopped cos "My Boy" as they referred to China has been insulting the Big Boss.
So, taking China off to one side for a talking-to but still within earshot of everyone else, I had to explain that insulting the Big Boss wasn't a good idea and wasn't really in his scope of work.
And besides,
insulting the Big Boss was really my job.......
Looses something in the re-telling I suppose, but at the time it was pretty funny.