Has Anyone? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Has anyone converted a room in their home strickly for displaying their soldier collection.
I have a room in my finished basement that contains wall display cases and standing open shelves for my display. But I mean converting, say, a spare bedroom etc. upstairs in full view of the wife, you know what I mean.
If anyone has, would love to see the pictures of it.
My uptairs dining room has Napoleonic prints, paintings, suite of armor and tasteful display cabinets with my entire Napoleonic K&C figures displayed. I know if its done tasteful the wife may not be so critical. Of course Nazi stuff is a little different. The paint on the walls chandeler and fireplace etc., all look 18th century with greek pillers so it looks the part. Many people that come over like walking around the room and comment on the decorating.....:)

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I'm in the processing of creating a collection/office room. Its been a slow process since I'm doing most of the work myself. I will show pictures when its done. I am going to build a 12 ft long display cabinet with three main sections. Once I start on that I will ask you guys for ideas, dos and don'ts for a display cabinet.
:cool: I have three cabinets with 16 shelves full of King & Country with my computer by the window,my little haven where i arrange ,display buy and sell.....ern
Sorry to say, my "museum" has no room for any decent size dioramas. At this point in time, with all my current Civil War, WWI, WWII and Vietnam artifacts plus everything else taking up room, my soldiers will have to remain in their boxes for now. My wife told me that if I get a nice glass bookcase, she will let me set up my dioramas (when I complete them) in it in the family room. Very good!!!!! There is a lot of room for many bookcases in there.:)

Now all I need to do is find some decent cases. I want the ones that have 2-3 shelves with individual glass doors for each compartment that lift up and push back into the cabinet. I can't think of what they are called but I like their wooden shelves to attach lighting to and they seem to be a nice size with a full opening. Does anyone know what I am talking about?
I have always had a den, now I have a Harley Room down stairs, a den, and showcases in the bed room............I even got my wife to detail a Conte Church.....she did a great job. All it cost me is a house on the Jersey shore when we return home.

I am turning the entire third floor of my home (its a three room walk up attic) into a combination office/library/Toy Soldier Museum. All I know for sure is that in the main room, which runs the length of my house, I plan on display cases and book shelves all along both walls, tables or islands down the entire middle with dioramas on them. The Cases, book shelves and trim are going to all be in dark reddish wood in a traditional style. There will be a leather overstuffed chair and a loveseat in the mainroom, and a desk and file cabinets in one of the siderooms. The other side room might be one big diorama (maybe an RAF airfield). I can't start on it until I sell my apartment in NYC. Anybody looking for a nice Gramercy one bedroom?

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