Hat Industrie new 54mm Crowd-funding Projects are active (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Dec 7, 2016
For those who might be interested.

Hat Industire is again attempting to develop one or two new sets via a crowd-funding effort.

The choices are:
1. Seven Years War Austrian Fusiliers and Grenadiers (German)

2. Napoleonic British Line and Grenadiers in Stovepipe shakos

These were selected from five choices collectors were asked to comment on. American Revolution Americans, ARW British and Napoleonic Spanish were the choices which were eliminated during this process.

There is an option to have a contribution apply to whichever set is closest to completing the target amount.


Further explanation:

Thanks for sharing, I just saw this on there page. I am trying to get the word out too, I would like to see the 7YW Austrians :)
Hat has cancelled the sets due to lack of interest. See the announcement below.


1/32 British and 1/32 7YW Austrian sets cancelled...

First an apology and second thanks to all who pledged towards those two sets. All monies have been refunded. If you have pledged towards these two sets and did not get a refund, please contact us by e-mail and we will get that straightened out.

These two sets were cancelled because it did not look like they would reach their pledge goals within 120 days. At this time, we are going to step back and examine the 1/32 projects more thoroughly.

Possibly stronger groundwork should be laid and more preparation be done in advance before accepting payments. We welcome any suggestions here or via e-mail. Cheers.
Hat has cancelled the sets due to lack of interest. See the announcement below.


1/32 British and 1/32 7YW Austrian sets cancelled...

First an apology and second thanks to all who pledged towards those two sets. All monies have been refunded. If you have pledged towards these two sets and did not get a refund, please contact us by e-mail and we will get that straightened out.

These two sets were cancelled because it did not look like they would reach their pledge goals within 120 days. At this time, we are going to step back and examine the 1/32 projects more thoroughly.

Possibly stronger groundwork should be laid and more preparation be done in advance before accepting payments. We welcome any suggestions here or via e-mail. Cheers.

I will never buy into one of these schemes. It only gets hopes up, ties up my money for a while for something that might not happen. So, far all of the Hat sets under this model have failed. Why not just make the product? How did previous sets sell when the product was made? And, these pay in advance schemes are not indicative of how the product might actually sell. Won't give you me money for something that will probably never appear. BTW, I have bought EVERYTHING Hat has produced in 1/32 and would continue to do so. But I gotta see the goods first.

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