HaT Prussians Marching (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
Two boxes of HaT's Prussians marching and figures from the Prussian Command box.








Hi Scott,

Looks really neat how you place the figures in the diorama setting. Wondering what you use to cut the HaT figures off the sprue/trees? Also,
can you tell me what figures and how many boxes (approximately) you have in your English Civil war setup? Where can I get the kneeling firing guys?


Thank you Eddie,

Those kneeling firing English Civil War figures are from Replicants



No idea on number of boxes of Call To Arms figures. Many of my figures were found loose in boxes at The Hobby Bunker in Malden, Mass. They were probably figures the HB took in trade. The HB sells a lot of loose figures but you have to be quick and in the right place.

I use metal snippers carefully on the HaT Sprues.

I'd love to them with a 'lick of paint'.

Any prospect of that in the future?

They might look nice painted and I might "color-code" them because they are the same blue plastic as my HaT French. I just don't have the space to display painted plastic figures and painting them for ME can be futile as plastic is too flexible.

I hope that HaT Austrians come out in White, Russians in Green and British in Red.

This HaT 1/32 scale series is basically 54mm wargame figures. I mean that in a GOOD way.
I looked up Prussian drill and one can recreate a platoon of a company almost one for one. Build from there with more sets. The third rank can be deployed as skirmishers with the HaT fighting Prussian set.





Do you have any photos of your buildings. I know they are BMC but they look like they are mounted on a foamcore base and I presume they are complete buildings and not partially ruined as the original BMC ones are intended to be.

Do you just swap parts to make complete building and cut the walls down to make single story ones ?

Any info would be helpful as I'm always interested in 1/32 buildings that aren't the large foam efforts by Barszo ,Hobby Bunker, etc as they are just too fragile.


Dave M
Thanks for that Scott, that's what I was looking for.

What type of glue are you using for constructing your buildings?

I see that AIP are copying your idea of using WW1 Germans as Franco-Prussian War prussians by producung them in Blue plastic and removing the grenade thrower pose. Doesn't work for me but they might get away with it as it's only cost them the new box to produce them:)

Dave M
Scott nice marching formation. I love these Hat Prussians, I,m painting up a formation of these marching figures myself of around the same size and man is it taking awhile to get it finished. I hate painting in bulk. Do you have any plans of painting some of these up?
Thank you! You're the king of Prussians.

Maybe I'll make them darker blue than the HaT French. I might get a few boxes of the fighting positions. I'd REALLY like some red British from HaT.
There was talk over in Hat camp of doing some British, I,m sure they,ll get around to it.
I,m glad They skipped the french/British waterloo route that has been done by everyone for years now and did figures like Russian/Prussian/Austrian figures and figures like Barvarians and Wuttenburgers that you never see.
Now I,d like to see the cavalry and artillery to go with those sets.

Looks like they might give that a shot also??? And talk of maybe some wounded sets also.:cool:

Things are looking good for the 1/32 scale Napoleonic collector over at Hat! Lets just hope they keep them coming???

Theres also talk of a lot more 7 years war figures down the road also. I might pick up a few sets of those also. The Grenadier Mitre caps will work good on the Napoleonic russians for some nice easy conversions.:cool:
I agree about the Waterloo era. Nice to see troops from earlier campaigns. I'm looking forward to the Spanish. French in Bicorn hats would be nice. Artillery and cavalry would be nice as well. Wounded figures would be OK if they don't take up space from good combat poses.

The various German armies HaT makes have led me to look up who was who and on what side.
Scott I don,t know if you know but Italeri does some earlier French in bicorn hats. I,m not to crazy about how they came out though, Ithink its one of there weaker effforts and i,m a fan of most of the Italeri sculpts. The price of there figures has gone crazy these days and they also have less figures to the box now.:mad:

There is really not a lot out there as far as early period napoleonics, most are the latter period stages of the war which is alright with me because thats the era I,m more into anyway. At some point when the latter stages of the wars are covered I wouldn,t mind seeing some ealier period figures, maybe Napoleon in Egypt or something?? With Mamalukes cavalry? Ottoman Empire figures? They could also be used to fight latter period Russian figures just before Napoleon invaded Russia they had to break off there war with them to deal with Napoleons invasion.

Napoleonics are the true black hole as far as figures go so many nations so many uniforms so many different changes in uniforms from year to year.:eek:
It never ends with napoleonics!
Italieri's poses are too limited and the price too much for me.

Thanks for that, I'll check into getting a hot glue gun.

You have some female figures shown, walking into a converted three story building and standing inside the upper story of a BMC building watching a battle. Are these plastic figures and if so what are they?

DAve M

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