mine-sweeper do-dads? Are you talking about the "Aunt Jemima" (Mine Exploder T1E3)? That was the sets of heavy steeel discs mounted in front of an M4 or M4A1 and used to clear AT Mines. They are currently available in 1/35th scale from Verlinden and in 1/72nd scale from Forces of Valor. That would be impressive and distinctive.
Another idea to "dress up" your Shermans - the M1 dozer blade kit. Not as rare as the mine exploder, and found on a number of M4 versions.
By the way, for the hedgerow chopper - there were no standard plans. Each unit fabricated their own, so there were a number of variations. Steve Zaloga did a nice article for Osprey about the history of the "rhinos" and differences between a "Cullin" or a "Douglas", etc.