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First Sergeant
Aug 7, 2005
Hey guys haven't been on here in a while...just wanted to drop in and say hello.... I haven't bought too much in the way of Toy Soldiers lately but I am still buying Military Antiques. Just on a side note does anyone collect Osprey Books?
Hey guys haven't been on here in a while...just wanted to drop in and say hello.... I haven't bought too much in the way of Toy Soldiers lately but I am still buying Military Antiques. Just on a side note does anyone collect Osprey Books?

Yes. I have several on armour. And some on other topics which I somehow acquired but don't really collect.

Hey guys haven't been on here in a while...just wanted to drop in and say hello.... I haven't bought too much in the way of Toy Soldiers lately but I am still buying Military Antiques. Just on a side note does anyone collect Osprey Books?

Hey Wellington,good to see you back.Yep i collect them and have several dozen,they often do pretty good offers with 20% off etc.I find the books good for a brief outline of events/machine before reading something more in depth.

I have hundreds of them..exactly 172 MAA,43 Campaign,7 Essential Histories, 2 Essential Histories specials (American Civil and Napoleonic Wars),44 Elite,11 Fortress,38 Warriors, 4 Battle Orders,1 Duel,30 NV..plus others like the special on the German UBoats"Wolf Pack", "Warriors and Warlords" with the best of McBride,"The D-Day Companion",the funny "Military Misdemeanours","Chivalry & Command","Aircraft of the Aces: Legends of the Skies","Samurai – The World of the Warrior" and a couple of others on aircraft and aircraft units..i think that apart from the odd one or two (some are really too history oriented and lacks in uniform details and others the contrary) they are the best kind of military books on the market ..
I have hundreds of them..exactly 172 MAA,43 Campaign,7 Essential Histories, 2 Essential Histories specials (American Civil and Napoleonic Wars),44 Elite,11 Fortress,38 Warriors, 4 Battle Orders,1 Duel,30 NV..plus others like the special on the German UBoats"Wolf Pack", "Warriors and Warlords" with the best of McBride,"The D-Day Companion",the funny "Military Misdemeanours","Chivalry & Command","Aircraft of the Aces: Legends of the Skies","Samurai – The World of the Warrior" and a couple of others on aircraft and aircraft units..i think that apart from the odd one or two (some are really too history oriented and lacks in uniform details and others the contrary) they are the best kind of military books on the market ..

Wow. That is some collection. Wouldn't it be easier to list the ones you don't have? :D:D

Good to hear from you again:). I collect the Osprey Men-at-Arms series for the Napoleonic Wars. They make handy reference guides to general uniform and unit histories for that period.
They are very good for a basic grounding,but not really for an in depth study.The new Vanguard are pretty good for facts and figures of the machine in question,however they only have room for a very brief History and Combat service section.

They are very good for a basic grounding,but not really for an in depth study.The new Vanguard are pretty good for facts and figures of the machine in question,however they only have room for a very brief History and Combat service section.


But they are very good for a basic summary and provide a starting point for a more in-depth study. And they have very good basic sketches showing key components and some half-decent photos.

They are very good for a basic grounding,but not really for an in depth study.The new Vanguard are pretty good for facts and figures of the machine in question,however they only have room for a very brief History and Combat service section.


Sounds about what I use them for. They just give a snapshot of the units,equipment, and a brief historical outline. Love the colour plates though:), especially those Nap uniforms:cool:!
Hey guys haven't been on here in a while...just wanted to drop in and say hello.... I haven't bought too much in the way of Toy Soldiers lately but I am still buying Military Antiques. Just on a side note does anyone collect Osprey Books?
Greetings Wellington. I have 200+ Ospreys, mostly WW1 related (62 of the more than 80+ related titles) and many others relating to WW2 airwar. Also have 5 dozen or so campaign series in all different catagories plus fortress, warrior, etc. I have found the series to be excellent as introductory histories and am especially fond of the Aircraft of the Aces. I have almost that entire run. -- lancer
Eh Eh ..you're right...a little of boastfulness for my part!!!:)

Did not mean to imply boastfulness. :eek: I was surprised at the number of books you had. But then a few other collectors listed theirs and I guess some people have huge collections on a great many topics. It makes my several Osprey books on armour pale by comparison.

I only recently began picking up some on armour, but anyone who has collected them for a long time, even at just several per year, they would really add up. Plus, you would have out of print ones. My latest is the book on SdKfz 251 which has been out of print for a long time. It was hard to find in Canada at all, let alone at good price. I usually have to buy from stores in England for out of print ones.

Yes i bought my first 5 or 6 years ago (German Elite Units)..and after that i didn't stop..i began with Armour ..at the time i was in love with the Tigers and the Schwere Abteilungen so one of my first Osprey was the NV on the 2 Tigers, then all about napoleonic wars and so on, i have great curiosity for strange and forgotten wars and Osprey are second to none to introduce the reader to a historical theme..it was so for me with "Border Reivers" and then i bought the beautiful "The Steel Bonnets" by Macdonald Fraser (and all the osprey on the theme..i know everything about feuds between scottish families of the borders without being once in Scotland!)..now i relented a little (because of our common hobby) but here and there i buy some title..now i'm waiting for the volume on the East India Company Troops due in august..and i have many osprey i haven't read yet (many out of print bought in a military books store in Italy) , and like a good old bottle of wine you open sometime, i read it ...eh eh the one on the Sdkfz i don't have it!i bought some in U.S.A. like MAA 072 (North West Frontier) or 084 (On Wellington's Generals)..by the way what's your favourite Osprey artist?
Yes i bought my first 5 or 6 years ago (German Elite Units)..and after that i didn't stop..i began with Armour ..at the time i was in love with the Tigers and the Schwere Abteilungen so one of my first Osprey was the NV on the 2 Tigers, then all about napoleonic wars and so on, i have great curiosity for strange and forgotten wars and Osprey are second to none to introduce the reader to a historical theme..it was so for me with "Border Reivers" and then i bought the beautiful "The Steel Bonnets" by Macdonald Fraser (and all the osprey on the theme..i know everything about feuds between scottish families of the borders without being once in Scotland!)..now i relented a little (because of our common hobby) but here and there i buy some title..now i'm waiting for the volume on the East India Company Troops due in august..and i have many osprey i haven't read yet (many out of print bought in a military books store in Italy) , and like a good old bottle of wine you open sometime, i read it ...eh eh the one on the Sdkfz i don't have it!i bought some in U.S.A. like MAA 072 (North West Frontier) or 084 (On Wellington's Generals)..by the way what's your favourite Osprey artist?

I don't have a favourite artist. Never really look to see who did the illustrations. I have only several books on armour. I would have to guess the best illustrations would be on uniforms before 1900?

Yes..medieval and barbarian themes by Angus McBride (unfortunately he passed away two years ago) are wonderful, also Patrice Courcelle(mainly Napoleonic) Ron Volstad and Gerry Embleton (my favourite at the moment )are very good..and for the future i think Stephen Dennis and Graham Turner wil take the lead in the field of Militay Illustrations..
I agree that Patrice Courcelle is very talented (and it's not because I was born in France - I am also American :)). I also like Pierre Conrad (French too). I have many great Napoleonic prints from him that I bought in Paris at "Le Cimier" store.
I agree that Patrice Courcelle is very talented (and it's not because I was born in France - I am also American :)). I also like Pierre Conrad (French too). I have many great Napoleonic prints from him that I bought in Paris at "Le Cimier" store.

I forgot another favourite of mine,French artist: Eugene Leliepvre , he did the plates of 5 books for Osprey (on the army of Louis XV) , but they are outstanding..i think he is the official painter of the French Army..i know Conrad but i have not books by him,another is Jack Girbal (never did an Osprey book) but his "Soldiers and Uniforms of the Napoleonic Wars" is beautiful!
In my opinion, the most talented painter for the Napoleonic period still is Lucien ROUSSELOT. If you have the chance to admire the so called "Rousselot Plates" and all the details he knows about French uniforms... Just emazing artwork for military collectors:cool:
In my opinion, the most talented painter for the Napoleonic period still is Lucien ROUSSELOT. If you have the chance to admire the so called "Rousselot Plates" and all the details he knows about French uniforms... Just emazing artwork for military collectors:cool:

Yes ..i know of his book on the French Cavalry..outstanding artist too.. he lived in the first years of the 20th century..another i admire (i have his first volume on Napoleon's epic) is J.O.B. (unfortunately his books are rare outside France) from the same period..
You can get the Rousselot plates from "Le Cimier". They have a Web site and I am sure they ship to the US.

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