Help ID Soldiers in Wagon and Mounted (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jan 29, 2020
Found this group of solid figures in one box. Probably another home cast set. There is no bench in the wagon they are just placed there, appears to be two types of uniforms. The one soldier on the rearing horse has "RA" written on the horse blanket. The other two mounted riders have slightly different uniforms. I doubt this all belongs together, but not sure. Any information would be appreciated. Have a blessed Palm Sunday and Stay Well.

Yep, home or commercially recast Britains items, and from two different sets.
Red facings and stripes = Royal Artillery; white facings and stripes = Royal Army Service Corps. The RASC guys would usually be sitting on the wagon's seat (in set 146), and the RA guys on an artillery limber (and on seats attached to the gun on early versions) in Britains set 144. The officer is a nice extrapolation, a figure Britains never made, but maybe should have!
There should be another, riderless horse for the wagon. You've got the team driver in his white facings. The other mounted driver belongs to an artillery team. A complete artillery set would have a 6-horse team (3 with drivers), a limber, and the gun.
There were several companies and some individuals producing Britains recasts commercially. London Bridge Collectors Toys is still going. The wagon is too complex to be a homecast piece, IMHO. That's an interesting collection you're getting to explore. Keep them coming!

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