Help Identify German AFV's (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Jun 7, 2012
Hello all!
A friend of mine sent me a photo from an antique store this weekend of some German AFV's. Now, the photo is not that great and the lighting is awful, but it's all I have to work with. If I had my guess they look to be something along the lines of Forces of Valor or 21st Century, but I am not sure. If any of you could lend a hand in helping identify these I would great appreciate it!

German Tanks.jpg
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Cameron they all look to be 1/32 scale. The half track and Stug look to be FOV more because of the paint scheme. The other two look to be Marder III's or is the one on the far left a Flakwagon?? Like you said the pic's are pretty bad. Both company's did produce Marder's so your guess is probably correct in FOV and possibly 21st Century.
Thanks so much! Any additional opinions would be great appreciated.
Far left vehicle looks like a Wespe (10.5 cm armored artillery) but not sure on manufacturer.

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