Help needed to identify some soldiers (1 Viewer)


Dec 8, 2009
hi I wonder if anyone knows what these figures are. They belonged to my partner when he was a boy in the 1970s. We know the first lot are Starlux but don't know what sort of soldiers they are.



Hi There,

Plastic figures arent normally my bag but I believe the figures in photo number 2 are French and were made by Cafe Lesal or Cafe Martin. Not totally sure but there are others on this site that may be able to ID them exactly. Sorry I cant be a better help but if you can find a copy of Plastic Warrior which was a reference availabel from the UK you may be able to ID them.

I agree with Dave that the second photo shows coffee figures, but I think rather that they were sold in packages of Mokarex coffee.

The figures in the first pic are St Cyr cadets, aren't they? Don't they still serve as an honor guard on state occasions? I may be wrong, I haven't really delved into French military history, except those parts that relate to general European or world history.

Don't know about the figures in the third picture, unfortunately. I agree with Dave on that point, too, that "Plastic Warrior" is a good resource for us to start.

I'll check my sources, too.

PS-I saw last night that Richard O'Brien has written an updated edition of "Collecting Toy Soldiers", apparently released this year.

Thanks very much for both your help, I know so little about soldiers that I didn't realise that Dave meant cafe - as in coffee. So they are something that would have come free with coffee like a toy you might get in a cereal packet? Thanks for the info on the Starlux figures as well.
Thanks very much for both your help, I know so little about soldiers that I didn't realise that Dave meant cafe - as in coffee. So they are something that would have come free with coffee like a toy you might get in a cereal packet? Thanks for the info on the Starlux figures as well.

You're very welcome, and welcome to the forum, too!

That's all off the top of my head, I'll have to doublecheck when I get home tonight. But to your question about figures in packages of coffee, yes, you're correct. I remember the Mokarex brand and their line of figures, which covered many subjects, civilian as well as military. I'm not familiar with Lesal or Martin, but that only means, I'm not familiar with them :D

But I do think yours are Mokarex, the figures they gave away were made in that silvery gray plastic. I've seen collections of them, some at shows and others online. In fact, I think there is a thread here in TF someplace, in which one of our forum brothers put up pics of his own collection. You might want to run a search on "Mokarex" (I think I'm spelling the brand name correctly, too).

Thanks again for your help my boyfriend has looked them up in a book and now thinks they might be Historex issues as he remembers his Dad buying them all at once in a plastic bag.

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