Hessians (1 Viewer)


May 28, 2007
Hi Guys,

There have been a few requests for AWI ‘Hessians’ recently. Well, lets see what Santa has in his bag this year… Do you mean something like this??


That’s all for now… tomorrow I head back to San Antonio for the holidays so here’s wishing you and yours a merry little Christmas!
And be sure to check out www.kingandcountry.com for a musical greeting from all of us at K&C.
Hi Praetorian-

Beautiful figure. Can't wait to see all of them. Thanks for posting.

Awesome, outstanding are just some of the superlatives that come to my mind. I have been waiting a long time to see some Hessians. Thank you for posting this preview. It has brightened up my day and given me something to look forward to. Can you give us any idea as to when we might see these coming on the market?

Let me also take this opportunity to wish everyone on the Forum, all the Toy Soldier retailers, and toy manufactories a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year.

King’s Man
Oh HAPPY DAY !! :D :D :D

Cant wait to see who he is talk to ?? Bring on that line !! ;)
If I am not mistaken “Praetorian” is a King and Country employee. So these Hessians will be future King and Country figures.

King’s Man
THANK YOU, K&C!!!! This just about made my year!

Whereabouts in San Antonio are you headed, out of curiosity?
When will these be available? And what others are there? Only grenadiers or more?
Gosh darn it! I am excited!!!!
One more question for anybody who knows. Were there any incidents during the AWI that pitted Continental Marines against Hessians? I just what to double check the historical accuracy of something I had in mind.
Ok, maybe just one more. That figure looks like a grenadier from Hesse Cassal or Brunswick--which is it and what unit?
Great figure! I am looking forward to this line. I wonder if Colonel Rahl is going to be in this group? I think a strictly limited figure/figures of the Battle of Trenton would be a nice addition to the AWI.

I have some cash I am ready to spend on some new figures after Christmas. I am waiting to see what all of those little toy soldier sized boxes under the tree with my name on them are before I make an order! I guess I will have to wait until the first week in January to see if and when these are going to be released by K&C before I order. :(

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