Hey Andy, How About One Of These? (1 Viewer)

cement shoes

Apr 24, 2005
With the DD39 GMC Jimmy being retired, I think we could use a British Bedford to carry all the recently released DD British. Pretty slick looking if you ask me. Yes, no, maybe???


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Somewhere I remember him saying that's not in the offing although I too would love to see that.
Hey guys,

He did three of these Lorrys, one in 8th Army, one in late war black on green camo and one in Dunkirk plain green. You can see all three at the next New York Symposium, as they were the special items he made for Larry, Hans, and myself for hosting the first one. They were resin and metal prototypes, but he decided not to put the lorry into production.
Well, hopefully Andy sees there is an intrest and demand for those pieces and can produce them for his many other collectors. It might even make a great Strictly Limited piece.
I would be very interested as either a limited or more general circulation. Maybe this will be one of Andy's surprises for 8th Army. He said he might have a couple, I think.
Hello guys! You finally got together and NOW, you're asking Andy to do a BRITISH BEDFORD / LORRY? I have been bring this up for at Least a year Ago, and No-one has sided with my Ideas! NOW, ALSO, you might as well Tell Andy, we WANT an OPEL MAULTIER CARGO GERMAN TRUCK-To TOW the " NEW"--10.5CM-105mm ( Light ) FIELD HOWITZER GUN AND CREW THAT HE SAYS HE'S GOING TO MAKE FOR THE ( Afrika Korps ) In 2006? I will try to Show Pictures of this German Truck hopefully soon on Treefrog?
Ok....I think its fine that we sit around on our fun forum and talk about what we'd like to see but I think it is unfair to press or try to push Andy into making anything. I know a thing or two about pleaseing clients...my title at my job is Director of Client Services believe it or not. And there is one truth I know for sure...you can't please everyone! John G. if Andy made any of the suggestions you offered...I would be upset because to be honest I dont collect Afrika Corps or the British. In my book Andy does just fine producing the sets that he does. I know he does not need me to defend him here but jeeze....the guy is trying to run a business. I've thrown out ideas before for fun but I have never expected Andy to make any of it.

I was with him at last years OTSN show and we were watching Band of Brothers in Bill Moore's room when in episode 3 the Shermans show up to save Easy Co. with the tanker manning the .50cal standing on the back deck of the Sherman and I remember talking to Andy thinking it would be cool if there was a set of KC like that...and bam next thing I know we have that. Now was seeing that episode and talking about it the reason we got that set...I doubt it but I thought it was pretty darn neat anyway. Bottom line...lets continue to talk about what we would like to see as collectors but lets keep it there as talk....If Andy picks up on one of our ideas great...but if not lets still be pleased with the sets that are produced because there is no way he can please us all.

Happy Collecting!
Dang, stop trying to push people around! It's one thing to have fun and bring up ideas, it's quite another to push and prod.

Andy has his own ideas and, frankly, I enjoy the anticipation - his new releases tend to be interesting and, in many cases, unexpected.

I do not believe this forum should be used to try to force him into doing what you want.

Andy looks at what sells in comparison to what doesn't. He needs to focus on areas that will bring the bucks in. I think it is very kind and gracious that he produces the less popular stuff when he could focus entirely on European campaigns.

It really pains me to see this constant prodding at every opportunity. Please chill out.
Gideon said:
Dang, stop trying to push people around! It's one thing to have fun and bring up ideas, it's quite another to push and prod.

Andy has his own ideas and, frankly, I enjoy the anticipation - his new releases tend to be interesting and, in many cases, unexpected.

I do not believe this forum should be used to try to force him into doing what you want.

Andy looks at what sells in comparison to what doesn't. He needs to focus on areas that will bring the bucks in. I think it is very kind and gracious that he produces the less popular stuff when he could focus entirely on European campaigns.

It really pains me to see this constant prodding at every opportunity. Please chill out.

I totally disagree with you. That's what forums are, among other things: to bring forth ideas and to push for ideas that you like and that you hope a manufacturer will come out with. As a point of comparison in some of the jazz boards I have been involved with people have actually pushed for a certain recording to be released and so many people asked for it, that the record company went back and listened to the recording and decided to release it. The recording in question had been made back in 1960 and the original owners of the label (Blue Note) didn't think it was worthy of release but the reissue producer on hearing it about 4 years ago said that it wasn't as bad as he had thought it was and released it and it did very well.

The goal of every board is to get the powers that be to listen to you. In our jazz boards we're not sure that's always happening. In this one, we know it is. If you have Andy's attention, why not put forth your ideas. In fact, Louis has done so with the War Birds and Andy is thinking about it. Now, there is a right way to go about things, however. As the saying goes, "you get more bees....."

Plus, I don't think Andy will, as you know, be forced into doing something he doesn't want to do. If he doesn't believe it will sell, he won't do it, plain and simple.

So, I think you need to let this board be a board.
If I came across as having the position that what people would like to see shouldn't be posted then I do apologize for that. Of course that's one of the intentions of this board.

My point was that I don't think it is fair that there a few are who are very aggressively pushing for things to be made. Yes, I suppose it is the "you get more bees with honey" scenario but it is just frustrating - it seems so pushy to me.

There are things I'd like to see Andy produce but they are just so esoteric that I won't even the idea unless I'm in a position to have him produce a run for me.

There just seems to be like a laundry list of things and Andy only has so much bandwidth. Why beat a dead horse? Raise the topic, do a poll and let what will be be.

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