HHhH--WW II movie (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Mar 8, 2011
HHhH---poster released for the World War II movie about Operation Anthropoid in which two British-trained Czech Resistance members return to Czechoslovakia to assassinate SS leader Reinhard Heydrich, architect of "The Final Solution". Jason Clarke (DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES), Rosamund Pike (GONE GIRL), Mia Wasikowska (ALICE IN WONDERLAND) and Jack O'Connell (UNBROKEN) star.
A similar movie, ANTHROPOID starring Cillian Murphy and Jamie Dornan, was released in 2016.

I thought they renamed it to "The Man with the Iron Heart." No wonder, pronouncing it could
be a problem in some areas."H-dropping occurs (variably) in most of the dialects of the English language in England and Welsh English, including Cockney, West Country English, West Midlands English (including Brummie), most of northern England (including Yorkshire and Lancashire), and Cardiff English.[5] It is not generally found in Scottish English or Hiberno-English. It is also typically absent in certain regions of England, including Northumberland and East Anglia, although it is frequent in the city of Norwich."


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