HIRIART Armada - Escuela Naval Arturo Prat, Chile (1 Viewer)


Jan 28, 2006
This is Hiriart's Set 1191 ARMADA - ESCUELA NAVAL ARTURO PRAT, CHILE. As in common in most of Hiriart's Chilean sets, they are goose stepping which is a reflection of the German influence on the Chilean military. I have this set on next year's order plus one extra man.


  • 1191  Escuela Naval Arturo Prat Chile.JPG
    1191 Escuela Naval Arturo Prat Chile.JPG
    223.8 KB · Views: 804
Hiriart has also made two different catalog band versions of this set. The first is Set 1276 ESCUELA NAVAL ARTURO PRAT BANDA DE GUERRA, CHILE. The photo is not exactly correct as to the bands composition; the last three figures in the band belong to the other version. It should have a band leader, 6 drummers, 6 trumpeters, and 6 flutes. I don't have this set in my collection, but Bob Walker ordered it from me and it is an impressive set on display.


  • 1276 Arturo Prat Banda de Guerra Chile.JPG
    1276 Arturo Prat Banda de Guerra Chile.JPG
    230.8 KB · Views: 236
This is the other band set: 1277 ESCUELA NAVAL ARTURO PRAT BANDA INSTRUMENTAL, CHILE. This is a regular band with various musical instruments, unlike set 1276, and the band members are wearing dress uniforms.


  • 1277 Arturo Prat Banda Instrumental Chile.JPG
    1277 Arturo Prat Banda Instrumental Chile.JPG
    87.5 KB · Views: 192

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