A collector emailed me saying that he thought that these WWII Dutch Uniforms were too blue. He attached the first photo which clearly shows them in a greenish khaki uniform. I believe that this may be the WWII uniform worn by the Koninklijk Nederlandsch-Indisch Leger (KNIL) in the East Indies. Although he has a helmet, the slouch hat, pinned up on one side, was more popular.
The second photo is from a series of books I frequently use for uniforms from a company in the U.K. called Lorenz Books. This particular uniform came from their "An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Uniforms of World War II." The text says that their 1940 uniform was blue-grey. As an aside, I have five of their uniform books which I bought on Amazon. The third and fourth photos are from the Dutch Army museum. So, the bottom line is that Hiriart made this set based on the photos I sent them which appear to be the correct uniform.