Hitler & Himmler at 1943 Toy Soldier Show (1 Viewer)


Jun 30, 2006
just kidding

Some kids never grow up!!

Talk about the banality of EVIL!
Several years ago there was a tour of WWII artifacts that the Russians had taken from Berlin. Among other things they had some of Hitler's personal items, including a collection of WWI era toy soldiers. They were much smaller than those depicted in this photo more in the 54mm range. I think Churchill was also a toy soldier collector.
Several years ago there was a tour of WWII artifacts that the Russians had taken from Berlin. Among other things they had some of Hitler's personal items, including a collection of WWI era toy soldiers. They were much smaller than those depicted in this photo more in the 54mm range. I think Churchill was also a toy soldier collector.

He was indeed and I believe his collection is on viewing at one of Britains stately homes.

I heard also Robin Williams is a big Britains collector.
Isn't Churchill's collection on display at Blenheim House, the Churchills' ancestral estate?

Actor Michael York is also a toy soldier collector; every so often, copies of pictures of him with his collection surface on eBay. I think they were from a magazine article in the 70s.

Not quite toy soldiers, but the late, great Velvet Fog, Mr Mel Torme himself, was an avid scale modeler. He built model airplanes.

And actually, isn't that picture of Hitler a composite image? Hence Kurt's line, "Just kidding". The figures look like they've been photo-shopped onto the Hitler photo, and actually, they look like larger, ceramic figures, than metal or composite.

Though there was a collection of figures that had belonged to the Hohenzollerns, and was stored at one of the palaces, maybe Charlottenburg, that were larger (12", perhaps), cast in Britannia metal and painted. I've seen pictures in one of the older toy soldier books, and they were very life-like in their detail. They were destroyed during the air raids on Berlin.

Any figures that the "Greatest Commander of all time" (Größter Feldherr aller Zeit or Gröfaz, as they used to say) were probably gifts from the makers, to curry favor or also draw prestige to their respective firms.

Isn't Churchill's collection on display at Blenheim House, the Churchills' ancestral estate?


The collection at Blenhiem are soldiers given to Churchill in latter years. No one knows what happened to the large collection of troops he played with as a boy.
We have a member of the Royal Family that collects from K&C UK. We also have two members of the High Church in the UK

The SS set up porcelain factories and made high-end figurines. The picture is real. This was one of Himmler's more successful ventures to support the SS financially. Many G.I's brought home these porcelains and their quite valuable today.

Rockefeller was a huge toy soldier collector.
Makes sense, I thought they were too big to be any metal or composition figures. I thought they looked very much like figures from Meissen or one of the porcellain works.

Apparently Bob Barker, too, is a toy soldier collector.

Makes sense, I thought they were too big to be any metal or composition figures. I thought they looked very much like figures from Meissen or one of the porcellain works.

Apparently Bob Barker, too, is a toy soldier collector.


I heard that too but only if The Price Is Right :D:D:D:D

I know, I know that was lame :p :p :p
just kidding


Hitler has a 'more insane than usuall' look about him.You can almost hear him can't you;

'Toy Soldiers mimic real Life Himmler,i will be the General and you will be my petty little physcopath doing all my dirty work for me'

'Yes mine Fuehrer,thank you mine Fuehrer'


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