Hitler vs Stalin: Who was worse? (1 Viewer)

Very interesting article. For many years I have been asking myself this same question. After decades of reading, all I concluded, the bottom line, is that both dictators were two twisted evil individuals with different names and absolute scorn for human life...regardless if the motive was race, ideology, power or religion or any combination thereof. At their level of evil, a million more or less to the tally of each does not make any difference IMHO. I know this is a theme that rises a lot of controversy, who is worse - but frankly at the levels they reached, sponsoring wickedness, Hitler for 12 years, and Stalin for roughly 30, they end being equivalent. That equally applies to their egos - giant - and obstination for dominance and supremacy. What actually puzzles me more is the question of how could such two individuals share the same timeline in history to set forth the perfect storm... and write together the darkest pages of human contemporary history.
And a few others after (Pol Pot, the Kim family, etc.). Humanity forgets quickly and never learns from the past...
Comparative guilt doesn't seem like a very constructive basis as it may unintentionally imply that one is less evil than the other. For example, reading in the LA newspaper today about someone who shot a father camping on the beach with his two young daughters. That is an evil person. Someone else killed a ten year old boy by beating him to death and burning him with cigarettes. There is a picture of the kid at his school desk. Whoever, did that is a monster. The fact that they only killed one person instead of millions doesn't make them any less so. The kind of tragedies that get lost in the daily grind: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-boy-death-20180623-story.html

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