Was Honor Bound the originator of the 1/30 scale in polystone Panzers? Research indicates that Honor Bound was the first Toy soldier company to produce a polystone Panzer consistantly in a larger 1/30 scale, the Panther A in 2006. The excellent quality and detail of this model; compared to others of the time, set a new standard for polystone AFVs in both detail and size. Subsequent to the success of the HB Panther A, more companies moved to this new and larger scale. Figarti moved from 1/32 to 1/30 and marked their boxes accordingly. K&C made the transition in 2009 with the excellent Tunisian Tiger I. NMA/TG and First Legion both started at 1/30 scale; following the newly established trend to larger figures and vehicles instead of the traditional 1/32 scale established for Toy soldiers in England, by Britains over 100 years ago. Even W. Britains has gradually transitioned from 1/32 scale to 1/30 scale; the current standard for Toy soldiers! TCS has even established an entirely new scale 1/28; taking Toy Soldiers, figures and vehicles to an even larger size. What is the future course in size for Toy Soldiers set in motion by the innovation of Honor Bound over a decade ago?