With the release in a month or so's time of the Jagdtiger, K & C's current catalogue will have available all of the late war German Army's "Big Cats" - Panther, Tiger I, Tiger II and Jagdtiger (not quite all, however, a new Jagdpanther would be nice). The British have done well recently with the Cromwell, Firefly and now the Grant but the poor US Army just has an early version of the Sherman (the Chaffee no longer being available). To redress this balance how about a Pershing, the best (Western) Allied tank of the war? I realise the Pershing was very late for Normandy and just too late for the Bulge but it did perform well during the final campaign in Germany. I think its combat debut was at Remagen. The Pershing would also nicely complement the the Jagdtiger. If K & C wanted to do something really special they could produce a "Super Pershing". Only one of these went into action ( with the 3rd Armd Div) and I recommend the memoirs of one of its crew - J. Irwin entitled "Another River, another Town" for further details.