How do Del Prado cavalry scale with others? (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Dec 29, 2016
I purchased some Del Prado foot figures on a lark sometime ago and was amazed (depressed?) to discover how massive they were set against any of the other makers. I am wondering, are their mounted cavalry figures as huge in proportion as their infantry? Many times I have found that cavalry figures are slightly smaller scale-wise than infantry and I am wondering if this is the case here? So, do their mounted cavalry fit with K&C (to pick a standard)? Thanks!
I'm not sure that they can be consistently compared, because the "History of Cavalry" range and the knights, are not all consistent themselves.

I have three pieces from the "History of Cavalry" series: the Prussian cuirassier officer from the Battle of Leuthen; the hussar (lancer) from the Duc du Lauzun's legion; and the Austrian cuirassier officer circa 1800. The Prussian officer is pretty close to a true 54mm, as is the Lauzun hussar. The Austrian officer, on the other hand, is a shade larger, about 56mm. That puts him in line with Stadden castings, but it's noticeable when placed with various other figures.

Though I don't own any, I have seen various knight figures at shows. The knights look to be a little larger, too, at least 56mm.

So, you might have to look at specific figures from Del Prado's catalog, to compare with the figures you have to display.

I have the entire K&C MK series...I have all the Del Prado knights also...the foot figures seem to stand out as larger...while the mounted seem a better fit to me...look at my will see all of might be a better way to judge...

Thank you, Mike and Brad. That information is helpful. Sounds like the cavalry would either fit or be a touch smaller. Perfect! I'm primarily interested currently in the 19th century (and eventually, Ancient) cavalry.
They're great figures, in any case, and worth collecting on their own, even if you don't wind up displaying them with other makers' figures.

Doesn't Del Prado have mounted samurai, too? I think I've seen those on eBay.

I have several figures in the Rome and Her Enemies range; the Alemannic cavaleryman measures
61mm from the sole of the foot to the top of the head. The Marcoman leader foot figure measures
61mm from the top of the base to the top of the head. The Anglo-Saxon Warrior and Tervingi (Gothe) foot warrior also measure 61mm from the top of the base to the top of the head. All these figures are wearing helmets, so the top of the head is extrapolated to +/- 1 mm. The figures are very well done considering the price point!

The K&C Barbarian figures are about the same size as the Del Prado figures in the Rome and Her Enemies range; 60mm from top of base to top of head and they are size compatible and so are the Conte Barbarian figures.

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