How do JJD's Great War figures compare with FL's? (2 Viewers)


Dec 8, 2017
I just discovered JJD figures and I'm really impressed with the huge variety of figures that his Great War line has. Can anyone share their thoughts on how the figures compare with FL figures when viewing from about 1-2 feet? I've looked at the photos, and the JJD figures look great.
I have many of JJD's Poilu and a few of the FL Poilu and my opinion is that they go together very nicely, in terms of size and detail. The big difference is that JJD's figures are of troops not engaged in combat (either marching to or from the front) and the FL figures are troops engaged in combat. I am particularly fond of JJD's figures because of the poses but FL figures are very well done, as well. -- Al
I have many of JJD's Poilu and a few of the FL Poilu and my opinion is that they go together very nicely, in terms of size and detail. The big difference is that JJD's figures are of troops not engaged in combat (either marching to or from the front) and the FL figures are troops engaged in combat. I am particularly fond of JJD's figures because of the poses but FL figures are very well done, as well. -- Al

That's good to hear! Do you know why JJD doesn't do troops engaged in combat? I'm obsessed with JJD's vehicles, they are so cool looking...
the TG Poilus and French Foreign Legion figures are a very close match to my JJD Poilus...
I think they are about identical in size and girth...
the painting is style is also very close...
I would not hesitate to put these together...
I had a few of the FL Poilus (since sold) and I have several JJD Poilus and although FL are very nice, I’m not sure the FL go with JJD. On top of that, FL hasn’t made that many WW I figures and I’m no sure they will, at least not nearly as much as JJD.

If you’re interested in WW I, I’d focus on JJD, TG and, to a lesser extent, K & C, who have made some very nice figures, although I don’t like them all. When it comes to vehicles there is no one better than JJD. Top notch in all regards. If you like the airplanes, again, there is only one choice, JJD.
That's good to hear! Do you know why JJD doesn't do troops engaged in combat? I'm obsessed with JJD's vehicles, they are so cool looking...
I have no real insight into why JJD hasn't done his Poilus in combat mode. John works on his figures with a vision/theme he has for them, and the Poilus were just done with a 'behind the frontlines' theme that really hasn't been done by anyone else. They are simply brilliant. JJD has done many combat oriented WW1 Australian and British troops for the Western Front, Gallipoli, and the Palestinian Front. He simply had a different vision in mind for the French. And as Brad says, JJD's WW1 aircraft are superb and are simply the best. -- Al
I spoke with John a while ago about making some WWI Germans in action to counter his Aussies on the Western Front.
He expressed interest in making some German trench raiders and tank killers and perhaps an artillery piece. I think these are on the back burner
but you can never tell.
I find it interesting that essentially John does not do any German figures for this conflict. Too early to tell, but in WWII land war fare, the opposite is true.
I find it interesting that essentially John does not do any German figures for this conflict. Too early to tell, but in WWII land war fare, the opposite is true.
Not entirely accurate. JJD did do the marvelous A7V German tank with it's crew. He also did a German sniper and the many German aircraft, pilot figures and ground crewman. He has not delved into regular German infantry...yet. :wink2: -- Al
I said “essentially”. Compare this with English or French troops, which is essentially the focus of Johns offering.
K&C - First Legion - JJD - K&C
From my "Size Comparison" Thread.

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