Thanks very much for going to the trouble of taking and posting the pictures. They are indeed considerably larger, even disregarding the bases. I suppose I'll have to grin and bear it though... I wish the new "scale creep" had never started. It was much easier when 1/32 meant the same thing universally. The AIP figures look like they might match perfectly in scale with my Reisler bandidos as Villistas and the peasants could make good Zapatistas. I have thought of using the AIP Spanish as Carrancistas. I want to use the AIP Japanese as Federales for their forage caps. Boers will be American mercenaries and more sophisticated urban Mexican revolutionaries. I think the 1900 Americans will have to serve as Pershing's troops until AIP puts out "campaign hat" US WW1 infantry, even though they are over a decade too early.