How much do pre-owned FL figures generally go for? (1 Viewer)


Dec 8, 2017
I've just started watching on ebay, and I'm seeing pre-owned figures go for just $10 less than the price of new ones from FL... or, in the case of a Prussian standard bearer, dramatically more than the original asking price of a discontinued figure. Is this typical? For only $10 off, I'd rather get a new one, and not have to deal with an unknown entity with no return policy.
The re-sale price of First Legion figures over original retail is not very high as a rule although there are exceptions. In addition, since most collectors don’t resell their figures the demand seems to be less; there is not a very active market in FL figures unlike K & C. Moreover, the market for toy soldiers don’t seem very strong lately.
I've just started watching on ebay, and I'm seeing pre-owned figures go for just $10 less than the price of new ones from FL... or, in the case of a Prussian standard bearer, dramatically more than the original asking price of a discontinued figure. Is this typical? For only $10 off, I'd rather get a new one, and not have to deal with an unknown entity with no return policy.

It's supply and demand driven taking into account that FL produces limited editions (IOW they don't produce 100's of thousands of each figure). Some I think are very limited editions (~300 units). Usually everything retired years ago can go for higher than the original retail price. The officers, standard bearers and drummers are normally the ones that go out of stock first and therefore the rarest in second hand markets (eBay, etc.). This means that if for example you are looking for the Prussian standard bearer (retired and very rare) you can expect to pay a premium if you can find one to start with. Welcome to the economics of this hobby.
I my limited experience: Except for a few select rare and desirable pieces, most re-sell at retail and many times about 20% less then retail.....Many times it's just a matter of collectors down sizing their collections and decreasing involvement in TS collecting...This calculation is generally true for all TS manufacturers products.....Speculators will try to say otherwise but 30% below retail will move the merchandise and TS collections in secondary markets like e-bay....Some guys are still asking ridiculous inflated prices and of course they don't sell much at all....They are still in thier fantasy land^&grin....."The Times" are different these days:wink2: and "the buy in number" is much higher on the original retail price. Thus IMO if you gert back 80% of original retail be very glad indeed.{sm4}
If you don't have the boxes you can knock a big chunk off what you'd hope to get, even for figures in perfect shape. {eek3}
If you don't have the boxes you can knock a big chunk off what you'd hope to get, even for figures in perfect shape. {eek3}

So true. First Legion figures are fine military miniatures, fine as in delicate because of the workmanship (no insult intended to any other makers), so that if you don't have the box, there is a risk of damage unless very well packed. I recently had three figures repaired for a collector in California and even though I had the boxes, I was worried that they would arrive safely, which, thankfully, they did.
If you don't have the boxes you can knock a big chunk off what you'd hope to get, even for figures in perfect shape. {eek3}

Again even with the boxes if you can re-sell them for 70% of full retail consider yourself fortunate....Again there are some exceptions for very rare desireable pieces....But with rising and higher retail prices don't expect too much of a profit these ain't happen guys (the bottom line numbers don't lie).:wink2:
All I know is a certain collector from Boston would pay a good premium for nap0012 if someone has one to sell 😀
Again even with the boxes if you can re-sell them for 70% of full retail consider yourself fortunate....Again there are some exceptions for very rare desireable pieces....But with rising and higher retail prices don't expect too much of a profit these ain't happen guys (the bottom line numbers don't lie).:wink2:

I don't know of a single person who buys TS's trying to make a profit, and if there are any I fell sorry for em. I right off every cent I spend on the Hobby and do it just for the enjoyment it brings me, but I do keep all my boxes.

If down the road I would have a change of heart, I'd like to try to get as close to breaking even as I could. From what I've seen having the boxes and not customizing are your best chance at breaking even or better.

Anyone selling FL figures in perfect condition with the boxes as Frank mentioned 30% off please drop me a line. I'm always looking to build my ranks ^&grin best Gebhard
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I don't know of a single person who buys TS's trying to make a profit, and if there are any I fell sorry for em. I right off every cent I spend on the Hobby and do it just for the enjoyment it brings me, but I do keep all my boxes.

If down the road I would have a change of heart, I'd like to try to get as close to breaking even as I could. From what I've seen having the boxes and not customizing are your best chance at breaking even or better.

Anyone selling FL figures in perfect condition with the boxes as Frank mentioned 30% off please drop me a line. I'm always looking to build my ranks ^&grin best Gebhard

Give it some time Gebs,... Give it some time you'll find some below retail....In the meantime keep keeping those boxes:wink2:.....As for NAPS 0012 there are rare exceptions to every rule^&cool
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I would estimate I paid over retail for 1% to 5% of my collection, and paid retail for 90% of my collection.

I have actually purchased retail from FL and my dealer(s) of preference for figures that I could get slightly cheaper on eBay.

I do this for a couple of reasons:

  1. Core collecting lines I want the manufacturer to continue to invest so I view it as my own investment into that line.
  2. These are fragile and I am concerned about others handling of the items
  3. I know the dealers are not getting rich off this and prefer to support the ones that provide excellent service
  4. I am very leary of the race to the bottom in any industry

I have jump started lines or gotten into new lines using deals, but usually I think you get what you pay for in this and most areas. I would rather support the hobby if I can.
I my limited experience: Except for a few select rare and desirable pieces, most re-sell at retail and many times about 20% less then retail.....Many times it's just a matter of collectors down sizing their collections and decreasing involvement in TS collecting...This calculation is generally true for all TS manufacturers products.....Speculators will try to say otherwise but 30% below retail will move the merchandise and TS collections in secondary markets like e-bay....Some guys are still asking ridiculous inflated prices and of course they don't sell much at all....They are still in thier fantasy land^&grin....."The Times" are different these days:wink2: and "the buy in number" is much higher on the original retail price. Thus IMO if you gert back 80% of original retail be very glad indeed.{sm4}

Where is your data? Or is this just your “educated” opinion?

I’m quite sure that deeply discounted pricing does move merchandise. I mean, duh.

We all know you detest free market speculators. But why is acting as a vulture, waiting for a distressed or desperate seller to unload his goods at fire sale prices, the superior behavior?

The times are never truly different. There is ebb and flow, ups and downs, upturns and downturns. At the end of the day it’s about supply and demand. If the secondary market collapses, it will affect the primary market in a negative way. Just like used cars or houses. Careful what you wish for, or choose to believe.
Where is your data? Or is this just your “educated” opinion?

I’m quite sure that deeply discounted pricing does move merchandise. I mean, duh.

We all know you detest free market speculators. But why is acting as a vulture, waiting for a distressed or desperate seller to unload his goods at fire sale prices, the superior behavior?

The times are never truly different. There is ebb and flow, ups and downs, upturns and downturns. At the end of the day it’s about supply and demand. If the secondary market collapses, it will affect the primary market in a negative way. Just like used cars or houses. Careful what you wish for, or choose to believe.

Well as usual, I guess you must "think" that your "educated":rolleyes2:eek:pinions are more accurate and more worthwhile then mine because they are supported by careful analysis of "data".. I forgot my friend that you are "The Master of Finance":wink2:....My views, are simply my views only and your views are simply your views only.....As you say I am not a speculator nor a vulture trying to purchase collections at discount prices....I have more then enough "STUFF" already... even may I say "WAY TOO MUCH STUFF"...... But common sense tells me not to expect to make a profit on the resale of my toy soldier collection or many other co called "collectible items"that I currently own....Again with the way things are going in this hobby, I guess that one should be thankful if you can unload your collections for 20-30% below retail....Why?...... Because I believe that there is a glut of product out there now and fewer new collectors are entering the hobby while others are aging and approaching retirement.....While rising prices for all necessities is making disposable cash less available these days for most frivilous purchases....I know that I have been purchasing less lately and I guess so are many others.....There is no denying that this hobby is farly expensive....That is my reasoning as to what is the "TRUE Total $ Value" of my collection at this time (boxes or not)....You are free to disagree....A Happy New Year:smile2:...Stay well..... Best Frank
Well as usual, I guess you must "think" that your "educated":rolleyes2:eek:pinions are more accurate and more worthwhile then mine because they are supported by careful analysis of "data".. I forgot my friend that you are "The Master of Finance":wink2:....My views, are simply my views only and your views are simply your views only.....As you say I am not a speculator nor a vulture trying to purchase collections at discount prices....I have more then enough "STUFF" already... even may I say "WAY TOO MUCH STUFF"...... But common sense tells me not to expect to make a profit on the resale of my toy soldier collection or many other co called "collectible items"that I currently own....Again with the way things are going in this hobby, I guess that one should be thankful if you can unload your collections for 20-30% below retail....Why?...... Because I believe that there is a glut of product out there now and fewer new collectors are entering the hobby while others are aging and approaching retirement.....While rising prices for all necessities is making disposable cash less available these days for most frivilous purchases....I know that I have been purchasing less lately and I guess so are many others.....There is no denying that this hobby is farly expensive....That is my reasoning as to what is the "TRUE Total $ Value" of my collection at this time (boxes or not)....You are free to disagree....A Happy New Year:smile2:...Stay well..... Best Frank

Reread my first post, hoss. I didn’t claim to have any data. I asked where yours was. And, as usual, you then made more grand statements about the “state of the hobby” without a single fact or number to back them up. That doesn’t make me a financial whiz. It just suggests I’m somewhat reasonable and logical.

You “believe” there are fewer new collectors entering the hobby because....why? In the last 20 years or so we have entered the era of a truly global economy. China has become an economic powerhouse. While it still lags the US is personal consumption, many of its ONE billion people are enjoying new found prosperity and wealth —- and increased disposable income to possibly spend on...toy soldiers. That’s a big number, hoss, and one more than you provided in your “argument”.

Furthermore, inflation is not driving prices up at more than a snails pace anywhere in the first world economies. Witness the still historically low interest rates in the US, Europe, Japan and China. Technology based productivity gains and worldwide competition are keeping raw materials and producer prices well subdued,

Assertions such as yours are based on anecdotal tidbits, ie your own shopping habits, mixed with personal biases, wishful thinking and propaganda. It’s fine as an entertaining screed but it has no basis in fact. Kim Jung Un would be impressed.
Reread my first post, hoss. I didn’t claim to have any data. I asked where yours was. And, as usual, you then made more grand statements about the “state of the hobby” without a single fact or number to back them up. That doesn’t make me a financial whiz. It just suggests I’m somewhat reasonable and logical.

You “believe” there are fewer new collectors entering the hobby because....why? In the last 20 years or so we have entered the era of a truly global economy. China has become an economic powerhouse. While it still lags the US is personal consumption, many of its ONE billion people are enjoying new found prosperity and wealth —- and increased disposable income to possibly spend on...toy soldiers. That’s a big number, hoss, and one more than you provided in your “argument”.

Furthermore, inflation is not driving prices up at more than a snails pace anywhere in the first world economies. Witness the still historically low interest rates in the US, Europe, Japan and China. Technology based productivity gains and worldwide competition are keeping raw materials and producer prices well subdued,

Assertions such as yours are based on anecdotal tidbits, ie your own shopping habits, mixed with personal biases, wishful thinking and propaganda. It’s fine as an entertaining screed but it has no basis in fact. Kim Jung Un would be impressed.

LOL LOL.... Have a good day..&..Happy New Year
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