I choose to live WHERE? (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
OK. Two days ago I was outside enjoying a beautiful 75 degree day. The sun was shining the birds were singing. Life was good.

Today there's a blizzard and we expect 4-6 inches of snow.

Why do we live in Minnesota????
Not only is it snowing - there's thunder and lightning in that there snow!

Nothing like a good Thundersnow!

Anywhere else and that would be a sign of the apocolypse, but in your neck of the woods thundersnow is just par for the course.
It was 80 degrees yesterday and it's predicted to be 80 today. LA is a lot of things but at least their weather is predictable.

It was 80 degrees yesterday and it's predicted to be 80 today. LA is a lot of things but at least their weather is predictable.

Oh yeah, the weather in LA will still be great even in 10,000 years when most of Sourthern California is floating off the Western coast of Mexico or Central America. Carlos, when you kiss your wife and she says the earth moves, she means it.
It's funny, but I think global warming may really be having more of an effect than people think. I remember when I was a kid we had ice storms here in New York, and could expect at least five or six snow days every school year. I used to play ice hockey on local ponds every winter. Now, 20-25 years later, I can't remember the last time I saw anybody skating on a pond around here. Its mid November and its 65-70 degrees outside. I just don't remember it being like this when I was growing up. Anybody else notice a major change in weather patterns?
I don't think Michigan gets the snowfall amount they use to get. The upper pennisular and northern part of thumb area will get a blizzard tonight. The gales of November. I talked to my friend up north who deer hunts and he said no snow yet.Maybe Minnesota absorbs the bad weather so that I can have a mild winter.Leadmen:)
It doesn't seem to rain as much in England either - yes really:confused: I just came back from Belgium, my wife and I did Market Garden, Hurtgen and most of the Ardennes in under a week, nearly makes sense now. (BTW does that qualify me as a token American tourist?:rolleyes: ) - the weather was over 75F at the end of October! In Belgium? Mind you it did rain after but still quite warm:cool:
I believe in the ability of mankind to screw-up just about anything (and I am an optimist) including the climate. However, I do not believe it all as simple as claiming global warming is a result of human development and increasing emissions of CO2. I also believe in the natural cycle of things and since mankind has not been around for that long or has been keeping weather records for more than a hundred years, I think the climate changes come about as a result of a combination of factors, including increased CO2 emissions from human sources and natural climate cycles.

Now the speed of such a cycle is another subject. I believe that we humans have helped old ma nature along and have increased the speed of climate change. That speed of climate change is the real problem, IMO. Winters in Minnesota are less cold, have less snow and are shorter in duration. Summers are milder and longer. The weather in Minnesota is acting like the weather in Iowa used to act about 20-years ago.
I find the current enviromental concerns laughable. From earth's early beginning to the industrial revolution is several million years and The earth topography has change a thousand times through earthquakes, comet strikes, volcanic eruptions etc. And how about the ice age? All these happened without the help of pollution and other enviromental concerns we now worry about. Mother nature has it's own cycle and will follow it without the help of man. I AM MORE CONCERN IN THE DESTRUCTION OF EARTH THROUGH NUCLEAR ARSENALS NOW IN THE HANDS OF ROGUE NATIONS.

:rolleyes: Point taken, volcanic emissions must dwarf anything we produce BUT, rainforest decimation and emerging giants like India and China have the potential to create problems don't they - for example is it true the US currently emits 30% of world CO2? What happens when they get going properly?

BTW did anyone see the report on climate following 9/11 when the aircraft were stopped from flying in the US - they reported that temperature went up 1 degree C in a couple of days once high pollution from jets stopped shading the earth - that was scary.:eek: In other words it is worse than we think.

Mind you, one good eruption and maybe we go back to an ice age...:rolleyes:
:rolleyes: Point taken, volcanic emissions must dwarf anything we produce BUT, rainforest decimation and emerging giants like India and China have the potential to create problems don't they - for example is it true the US currently emits 30% of world CO2? ... Mind you, one good eruption and maybe we go back to an ice age...:rolleyes:

The hypocrisy of politics (and the U.N.)...only the U.S. and the Western world need comply. China, India and other Third World countries are exempt from these emission regulations...the 70%, that's a lot of emissions! At least we in the U.S. are constanly finding ways and means to improve the environment. Just go to India, Pakistan and some Asian countries, wear a white shirt and you'll find black soot in your collar at the end of the day...imagine that in the lungs!

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Well, I am not sure about the causes, but the winters and summers are getting quite warmer here in Portugal. It is now normal to get 40 degrees celsius and plus in the Summer ( don't know what that is on the other scale ), just too much, especially when you're working, while a few years ago it would come to 35 or 36, and that was considered extremely hot! This year I have yet to wear a pullover, I am mostly wearing what I wore during the summer, even when it rains like hell, like it has rained in the last weeks! Maybe I should starting selling some of my winter clothing on E-Bay and get more funds for toy soldiering...:D
The hypocrisy of politics (and the U.N.)...only the U.S. and the Western world need comply. China, India and other Third World countries are exempt from these emission regulations...the 70%, that's a lot of emissions! At least we in the U.S. are constanly finding ways and means to improve the environment. Just go to India, Pakistan and some Asian countries, wear a white shirt and you'll find black soot in your collar at the end of the day...imagine that in the lungs!


I agree N-P, I went to China nearly ten years ago and it felt pretty polluted then, that was mainly in the north/central area Bejing, Zian, Nanking Shanghai, (not sure I spelt those correctly) I hear it may be worse further south, still dependant on coal power stations?

BTW, not knocking the US, just a benchmark for how much CO2 the emerging countries might make.

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