I think Andy said in a recent K&CUK TV interview, that there was no chance of a camel burger in the EA or AK range for the forseeable future.
As I recall, he didn't discount the possibility of a cold beer being introduced in to the BoB series, so I guess we'll have to hold off and see.
I promise, the following is a TRUE STORY..!!
More years ago than I care to think about (maybe 1989) one of our local employees in the Oman Interior ran into a camel and trashed both it and his truck while night driving, which is strictly forbidden BTW - aye, night driving I mean

. Anyway, at first light a forklift was dispatched to the scene, loaded the ex-camel onto a low-loader and brought it into the compound whereupon the camp cook and his band of merry henchmen set to with their butcher knives.
That night, we were treated to camel curry in the mess hall. It was a bit stringy. In fact to tell the truth, it wasn't very good....

As a postscript, the next day some old Bedouin turned up at the compound gate claiming that we'd assassinated his "Champion Racing Camel" - which had won every race he'd ever entered it in up in Muscat....

....and he wanted compensation - the implication being "
or else". I think the Rig Manager did in fact pay out some baksheesh, but we reckoned that was more for old Ahmed's inventiveness and quick thinking in seizing the main chance than anything else. But that one backfired a bit, cos for months later the occurrence of Bedouin-owned camels straying onto our service roads in the desert seemed to multiply exponentially as the story must have gone around from Bedo tent to tent....