If I went to the Normandy Beaches...? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Abnd dug up some sand, would I be able to find anything fo you think?:)

Maybe some cartridge cases, or bits of shrapnel, or a helmet or gun?:p
Not sure - those beaches have probably been picked over by millions by now, plus the tide, wave and wind erosion would take a lot away. You may find stuff inland, however. A great trip, nonetheless!
Come to New Jersey! We have torpedoes, granades and syringes washing up all the while! Seriously.
Abnd dug up some sand, would I be able to find anything fo you think?:)

Maybe some cartridge cases, or bits of shrapnel, or a helmet or gun?:p

Items of War are being found all the time on the beaches,when I was last there they had just recovered a US Flame thrower in excellent condition.However following the bad behaviour of visitors/trophy hunters in the WW1 Battlefields of France the French authorities are cracking down on treasure hunters now.You have to be careful Scott as not only is it illegal to bring ammo back,but if you are caught in the act the penalties are getting harsh.Including the seizure of your vehicle I understand.Metal detectors are also probably forbidden on the beaches I guess.

Also a young man of your age is going to look pretty suspicious digging on a beach!:eek::D

Items of War are being found all the time on the beaches,when I was last there they had just recovered a US Flame thrower in excellent condition.However following the bad behaviour of visitors/trophy hunters in the WW1 Battlefields of France the French authorities are cracking down on treasure hunters now.You have to be careful Scott as not only is it illegal to bring ammo back,but if you are caught in the act the penalties are getting harsh.Including the seizure of your vehicle I understand.Metal detectors are also probably forbidden on the beaches I guess.

Also a young man of your age is going to look pretty suspicious digging on a beach!:eek::D

..........you could claim you are building sand castles!! :D

Abnd dug up some sand, would I be able to find anything fo you think?:)

Maybe some cartridge cases, or bits of shrapnel, or a helmet or gun?:p

I found that there are so many great museums and preserved defences that you won't want to spend time digging around. Try Pegasus bridge at the British end near Caen for example. Also you can buy bits of stuff found on the beaches at the numerous shops on the coast [though of course that does cost]. Anyway a great place to visit for all.


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