Impressed (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 6, 2006
I know many collectors think K&C is the greatest thing since apple pie, but there those of us who have more of a modeling background can see it differently.

I have not bought much K&C as of late, because of certain issues I have with their products from a detail level.

I only go to the Hackensack NJ and Valley Forge PA shows and I didn't make either last year.

I was at the Hackensack show yesterday showing some Battleground Art projects and of course I took a look at various products.

I was very happy to see a noted improvement in regards to the proportion of equipment on the US Paras and some of their other figures.

I didn't have a lot of time to investigate as thoroughly as I would have liked, but the K&C stuff looked great overall, there were a few items that still seemed to have the gloppy guns and of course the mud is still on the treads ( But that even seemed to be lessened ).

I was very pleased overall and I am planning to start picking up some new K&C stuff in the future. The promo pics do have a much different look than the figures and AFV's in person from a proportional standpoint ( For example the US Paras ankles looked thick along with the usual oversized guns, but that was not the case in person )

Also there are some very good themes.......Great Job Andy and Co.

So expect a K&C Dio or two from me in the future. Probably Market Garden

PS .....My 90 year old father ( Retired Firefighter for 33 years ) lives with me now and gave me a hand at the show......He really like them too

So Andy I will need some Market Garden US Paras not Normandy ( The uniforms are different )
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