You just announced it today so unless I pulled a Rip Van Winkle I'm not sure I understand your post.
Isn't this the set for the 100th anniversary of First Legion? I think it is signed by the two Founding Fathers.
In between the time I posted and your response, Sammy changed the photo that he had in his post. The original photo was of NAP0072 British Foot Artillery. It has since changed to show the new sets of British Rocket Troops.....
And people think I don't keep up with the Naps!!^&grin anyhoo very nice set.
Obviously you don't or you wouldn't be asking or have posted the wrong photo!
I clicked on the old set by mistake at first, but caught my error once posted and corrected it, so I do try my best to keep up with the other ranges besides my WWII.
I was kidding of course Sammy. I guess it's a way to pass the time between WWII Releases! On the plus side however, will definitely have something you'll like to show you in Chicago. ^&grin
I'll see you and Constantine next week!!! by the way I enjoyed the award that Constantine just received, it's kinda hard to follow along with the Russian translation on Facebook but looks like a very proud achievement for him...Sammy