Jack the Ripper: solved? (1 Viewer)

Since there have been many movies about Jack the Ripper, this article may be relevant.

Link: https://www.rollingstone.com/cultur...-ripper-identity-study-aaron-kominski-809808/

They "solve" this case every few years with a new suspect. There are numerous issues with the shawl. Not the least of which is that it can't be confirmed to have been found at the murder scene. It has also been handled extensively over the last hundred plus years. It would have all manner of DNA on it. If any relative of this suspect has ever touched it, it would explain the "close" DNA. Interesting but not very convincing. Unfortunately, I don't believe the evidence will ever come to light that solves this case. And maybe that is as it should be. It has become more myth than reality. Even the eyewitness accounts of the suspect are all over the place. There is a great book called The Complete History of Jack the Ripper by Phillp Sugden which went back to much of the original source material and highlighted how different such information is from the commonly accepted facts. And how little we can discern from what scant evidence is available. Even which crimes are attributable to the Ripper are difficult to confirm.
I think 'Star Trek' solved this mystery in the 1967 episode 'Wolf in the Fold'. Scotty was accused but it turned out to be a pesky alien entity. -- Al
I think 'Star Trek' solved this mystery in the 1967 episode 'Wolf in the Fold'. Scotty was accused but it turned out to be a pesky alien entity. -- Al

Yep,I saw that episode.^&grin

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