January 2014 Dispatches (1 Viewer)


Jun 5, 2013

WELCOME TO A BRAND NEW YEAR and a whole big bunch of new releases that, I hope, will banish those post Christmas blues!
Let’s jump right in…

Maybe it’s appropriate that we begin this New Year with a bit of a bang…And they don’t come any better than the King & Country Quad Gun Tractor, Limber and 25 Pound Field Gun in 8th Army desert colours!

EA085 “Desert Quad Gun Tractor & Limber”
When the “European Theatre” version in olive green and black was released in 2013 we had many requests from 8th Army “addicts” saying “Where’s ours?” Well here it is…in desert sand with charcoal grey camo pattern and all ready to do battle with Rommel’s Afrika Korps somewhere in the Western Desert Vehicle includes driver figure.

EA087(AU)“25 Pdr. Field Gun”(Aust.)
An “Aussie” gun and gunner…How can you tell, some might ask, check out the brown boots. For reasons unknown Australian “diggers” were issued brown boots unlike their British mates who got regulation British Army black boots!!!

EA087(BR) “25 Pdr. Field Gun”(Brit.)
As above, but with a black-booted British gunner.

EA088 “Gun Commander”
Suitable for the “British” gun.

EA089 “Aussie Gun Commander”
This shouting, slouch-hat wearing Australian artilleryman, issuing the “fire” order.

EA090(AU)“Standing w/Ramrod” (Aust.)
If he’s wearing brown boots…he must be a “digger”.

EA090(BR) “Standing w/Ramrod” (Brit.)
A black-booted POM!

EA091(AU) “25 Pdr. Gun Crew” (Aust.)
Two Australian Gunners (brown boots)

EA091 (BR) “25 Pdr. Gun Crew”(Brit.)
Two British Gunners (black boots)

AVAILABLE : Early January

From the Western Desert in 1942 to the fields of Belgium and Northern France in 1914…
FW126 “Kaiser Wilhelm II (mounted)”
From a safe distance his Imperial Highness watches his troops go into action.

FW127 “Generaloberst Helmuth von Moltke”
Von Moltke, Chief of the German General Staff from 1906-1914 was instrumental in the development of the war plans that went into effect in August 1914. Here, he indicates a point of interest to his Kaiser.

FW131 “Running w/Rifle”
With rifle at the trail this “soldaten” moves rapidly into position.

FW135 “Advancing w/Rifle”

FW136 “Charging w/Rifle”

FW137 “Present Arms”
One of the Kaiser’s soldiers drawn up for inspection.

AVAILABLE : Mid January

During this period China was almost destroyed by civil wars, conflicts and rivalries. Here, for the first time, we present typical fighting soldiers of that turbulent period to support the earlier-released “historic personalities” and the “Frontier Fort”…
IC055 “Attacking w/Spear”

IC056 “Standing Ready w/Spear”

IC057 “Attacking w/Sword”

IC058 “Slashing w/Sword”

IC059 “Standing Firing Archer”

IC060 “Kneeling Firing Archer”

IC061 “Standing Ready Archer”

IC062 “Horseman Sword Forward”

IC063 “Horseman Sword Downwards”

AVAILABLE : Mid January

For 350 years Britain’s Royal Marines have served the crown in virtually every part of the globe and with great distinction and gallantry.
During the Napoleonic Wars they saw plenty of service on both land and sea and helped defeat Napoleon from the sands of Egypt to the waters off Cape Trafalgar.
First nicknamed “Bootnecks” during this period (because of the leather neck stocks they wore) Marines had a dual function aboard ship…they ensured the safety of the ship’s officers and the maintenance of discipline among the crew. In battle, they provided riflemen as well as additional gun crew and took a leading part in boarding actions.
On dry land they were involved in countless amphibious operations and, when necessary garrison duties and security details for naval establishments.
These new K&C “Bootnecks” are fighting ashore.

NA265 “Royal Marine Standing Firing”

NA266 “RM Kneeling Firing”

NA267 “RM Standing Loading”

NA268 “RM Standing to Repel”

NA269 “RM Kneeling to Repel”

NA270 “RM Drummer”

NA271 “RM Officer w/Sword”

NA272 “RM Senior Officer”

AVAILABLE: Mid January

Three little “add-ons” to our classic Wehrmacht range of figures and vehicles…
WS218 “Sd.Kfz 251 Half Track”
A three-colour camouflage version of this ubiquitous German Half Track. Perfect for the period 1943-45.

WS221 “Spoils of War”
The Germans, especially on the Eastern Front, believed in “living off the land”…Here a smiling “soldaten” rejoins his comrades with a “liberated” pig under one arm.

WS227 “The Apple Thief”
How can you possibly have roast pork without some tasty apple sauce? This other Wehrmacht soldier been to visit a local orchard and came back with the obvious solution!

AVAILABLE: Mid January


CW103 “Kneeling Firing Confederate”
A late addition to our recent release of attacking rebel soldiers.

AVAILABLE: Mid January

It’s been some time since we added a new building to this series…so here one is…

SP062 “The Wood Merchant’s House”
A very useful structure that can fit in nicely with any of K&C’s middle-Eastern themed ranges…from biblical times right up to World War Two.

AVAILABLE: Mid January

H. “Is for Streets of Old Hong Kong”
HK224G / HK224M “Flower Stall Set”
Winter here in Hong Kong is a favorite time to buy all kinds of colourful blooms for the home. Here a local florist tends to her flowers and shrubs.

HK227 “Chinese New Year Blossoms”
In days gone by large potted flowers like this one were a choice gift to give to relatives or to decorate your own house.

AVAILABLE: Late January

As we all know as the new comes in so must some, at least, of the old, go out…Here’s the latest list…See what you might need…

DD147 Lying Prone Officer w/ Tommy Gun
DD148 Firing Back
DD149 Prone GI w/ 30 CAL. Machine Gun
DD150 Sitting BAR Gunner
DD151 Grenade ATTACK!
IF015 Officer w/ Binos
IF016 SGT. w/ Sub machine gun
IF017 Corporal
IF018 Grenadier
IF019 Firing Rifle
IF020 Machine Gunner
IF021 Kneeling w/ Rifle
IF022 Lying Prone w/ Rifle
LAH099 Hitler & His Dog
MG029 Radio Jeep
Thanks for posting this Jesse
Rob, it was nice to get away from the packing table for a minute and do a little computer work!
I know just ahead but for the February Dispatch we have to wait

K&C wrote....

....King & Country Office will be closed from Jan 31st to Feb 3rd to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Operation will be resumed on Feb 4th.
I know just ahead but for the February Dispatch we have to wait

K&C wrote....

....King & Country Office will be closed from Jan 31st to Feb 3rd to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Operation will be resumed on Feb 4th.

Well by this information I guess we know when February dispatches will be announced............4th :wink2:

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