Jason (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Nov 20, 2015
My take on the Movie version anyway !

Jason has to fight and slay the monstrous Hydra in order to lay his hands on the Golden Fleece.
King Aeetes finding the Hydra slain gathers it's teeth and pursues Jason and his comrades to an old ruined temple, where he sows the Hydra's teeth and prays to the goddess Hecate, whence in reply they burst from the ground as skeleton warriors ready to try to Kill Jason and his comrades.


Wow, Steve .... wonderful interaction between the background and the dio figures.

What do you do to get that effect? Find an appropriate photo and then print it out? Very clever indeed.

--- LaRRy
Wow, Steve .... wonderful interaction between the background and the dio figures.

What do you do to get that effect? Find an appropriate photo and then print it out? Very clever indeed.

--- LaRRy

Thanks very much Larry.
These small scenes I do are just fun ones set up in front of the computer screen, so that I can capture a background that I'm looking for to fit a scene. If I can I like to use my own photos. If not then this is what I do.....

For the background which in these scenes have been the Great creations of the late Ray Harryhausen, all I done was to do two searches online for Ray Harryhausen Skeleton Army and second for his Hydra.

For the Hydra it was just a case of finding one with a decent size file to fill my computer screen with out to much pixilation and saving the photo. Then setting the foreground scenery which was just using a couple of rocks and grains of sand to block from view the film Jason and cover the figures base. Then taking a few photos, choosing one I liked best. Resizing and uploading to the Forum.

For the Skeleton Army I eventually just got the fight scene clip on youtube and paused it at the appropriate moment.
Did take a couple of going backwards and forwards, but didn't take long as I knew in my mind what I was going to want to try and portray. Not the sharpest of still / cell photos, but then it's more to give the feel to the story as I'd guess most people looking will be familiar with the film.

If these were going to be dioramas I was wanting to keep on show, then I would of spent the time finding a better background, which would probably be a professional online store, that printed them out for you.

Hi guys, very cool idea!

Not sure if you are familiar with the Toy Soldier & Model Figure magazine but the first one I ever bought, I believe it was episode 52, had a review of some figures including a skeleton figure of which the reviewer wrote reminded him of a film but he couldn't remember which one!


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