John Jenkins' New Richthofen (1 Viewer)

Sep 14, 2013
For months I have been looking forward to the new "Red Baron" Manfred von Richthofen figure. When it finally arrived in the mail last week I was horribly disappointed. What was JJ thinking? The sculpt is great, and this might have become one of my half-dozen all-time favorite figures -- except for the face painting.

For some inconcievable reason, Richthofen has a beard painted on him. We're not talking about shading or a young man's (Richthofen died at 25) five o'clock shadow, but what look's like a week's growth of black beard. Nor is this smut from his engine which he has not yet washed off: then it would cover the whole face except for the rings left by his goggles. It is inconceivable that Richthofen would have been seen in a clean snappy uniform with a beard like that. To me, the figure is spoiled.

Bearded Baron.  .JPG

I can't be the only one who has reacted this way!
For months I have been looking forward to the new "Red Baron" Manfred von Richthofen figure. When it finally arrived in the mail last week I was horribly disappointed. What was JJ thinking? The sculpt is great, and this might have become one of my half-dozen all-time favorite figures -- except for the face painting. For some inconcievable reason, Richthofen has a beard painted on him. We're not talking about shading or a young man's (Richthofen died at 25) five o'clock shadow, but what look's like a week's growth of black beard. Nor is this smut from his engine which he has not yet washed off: then it would cover the whole face except for the rings left by his goggles. It is inconceivable that Richthofen would have been seen in a clean snappy uniform with a beard like that. To me, the figure is spoiled. View attachment 283274I can't be the only one who has reacted this way!
I don't have the figure but from your photo, I completely agree. First off, as you mention, Richthofen wouldn't be caught dead with an unshaven face and even if he was unshaven, it wouldn't be such heavy dark growth as he was very fair haired, blond according to accounts. There are no photos that I am aware of that even hint at a beard of any sort. This sort of thing should have been caught by QC but no one is perfect. -- Al
The figure on the tree frog website also has the beard/shadow. I am sure it was supposed to be a light shadow effect, but it was too strong.

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