John Jenkins Scale Size (1 Viewer)


Jun 23, 2013
Keen to know how John Jenkins figures compare size wise with Wm. Britain's and First Legion( or the French company Metal Modele). Especially interested in Jenkins Napoleonic and WW1 figures.

P.S Perhaps a photograph showing examples of the majority of manufacturers figures could be posted on the site. I'm aware there are comparison photographs for some figures.

Keen to know how John Jenkins figures compare size wise with Wm. Britain's and First Legion( or the French company Metal Modele). Especially interested in Jenkins Napoleonic and WW1 figures.

I can only speak to the WWI figures. In my experience, both Britains and ONTC figures are a reasonable scale match for JJD's KotS. As is so often the case, the bigger issue for some may be differences in color pallets that are used for uniforms and such. In fact, I'm always a little surprised when these discussions pop up and posters focus so much on size (as opposed to sometimes dramatic differences in color). You can fiddle with the composition of your display so as to ameliorate discordance in scale. However, unless you're willing to slap a new coat of khaki on a figure, you're pretty much stuck with the color. Of the three manufacturers that I noted, I suspect that Jenkins' approach to "yellow green" is the soundest.


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