June 2024 New Releases (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
Dear All

Welcome to June 2024 releases, loads of very exciting items, including new tanks! And news of further releases for July 2024.
Please note all items for this month should be available around the 21st June.


The Romans

The new Thomas Gunn range of Praetorians released in May 2024 were a great success and we have very limited amounts left in stock, for those who are interested the B version has been the most popular. With fewer than 3 left of each in stock, while the A version has fewer than 5 left in stock, all of which we expect to be taken up by dealers as they restock following their initial orders.

We are releasing further Praetorians, with more to follow, with collectors being spoil for choice, whether they collect fighting or ceremonial Praetorians, after all the Thomas Gunn Emperor needs his guards, which as Roman historians and scholars amongst collector will know, the Praetorians were not always the Emperor’s ‘best friends’. We decided to reissue our very popular fighting Roman Dog with its Praetorians handler, which will make a welcome reinforcement for the previously released fighting Praetorians

ROM173 Praetorian with Eagle.jpg
ROM173B Praetorian with Silver Face Mask & Eagle $55/£50

A Version with Gold Leaf Design. .jpg

B Version with Silver Leaf Design .jpg
ROM174A/B Praetorian with War Dog $65/£60

ROM175A  Marching Praetorian .jpg
ROM175B Version .jpg
ROM175A/B Praetorian Marching $55/£50
ROM176A Praetorian Sentry .jpg
ROM176B Praetorian Sentry.jpg
ROM176A/B Praetorian Sentry $55/£50

Front views
Praetorian with War Dog .jpg
ROM176C Praetorian Sentry.jpg
The majority of our Praetorians releases are limited to 50 of each variant. However, we will be looking at increasing production on ROM175A/B and ROM176A/B if the demand is there, as we have a number of collectors who buy multiples, 10 plus, of these types of figures for their dioramas.
However, ROM173 and ROM174A/B are strictly limited to only 50 of each.

US Army Girls

The US Army employed thousands of females during WW2 and beyond, here are some of our pinup versions for your collection.

USA021A  Sherry.jpg
USA021A. Sherry with blonde hair saluting $50/£48

USA021B. Wendy with black hair saluting $50/£48

USA022A Laura .jpg
USA022A. Laura the girl with black hair and bazooka $50/£48

USA22B Version.jpg
USA022B. Shannon the girl with blonde hair and bazooka $50/£48

USA22 - Note the detail of the Stars and Stripes shoes

Limited to 50 of each version whilst stocks last.
World War 2

During WW2 women served the Fatherland in numerous roles. Including medical services, radio operators, AA Gun operatives and as test pilots, including testing the new jet fighters. In tribute to this we are releasing a series of female German figures, this month the first 2 of the series, followed next month with a further 3 auxiliary radio/signals girls and a hut, which will make a great diorama. Truly a character piece, which has uses in many scenarios. A talking point for any WW2 diorama and we think will be very a very popular figure

This month's releases are as follows:

SS157A Berta .jpg

SS157A Bertha [black hair] sits munching on a brattie (hot dog).

SS157B Gerta [blonde hair] sits munching on a brattie (hot dog).

They both love a sausage…..

Only 50 of each version of this figure.
Both versions of SS157 are $55 each.

Our second figure in this series is a woman not to be messed with, she does not care if you have a gun, command a tank or fly a fighter aircraft, she has the ultimate weapon a 'Pen & Clipboard’.

SS158A Edda.jpg
SS158A Edda female auxiliary [black hair] barks out orders.

SS158B Version .jpg
SS158B Hella female auxiliary [blonde hair] barking out orders.

Only 50 of each version of each figure.
Both versions of SS158A and SS158B are $50/£48.
The Panzer IV

WW2 was not always about the flashy big cats, continually breaking down and always hogging the glory. The Germans, during WW2, had their work horses and one of the main variants was the Panzer IV.

The Panzer IV was the most produced German WW2 tank and the second-most numerous German fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle of the War. With 8,553 Panzer IVs [all versions] manufactured, only surpassed by the StuG III, with 10,086 built. While also being the most exported tank of the period, with over 300 being sold to Finland, Czechoslovakia and Spain. Seeing action with the Syrian army long after their larger counterparts were out of service, Panzer IVs served the Syrian Army in the 1967 Arab Israeli conflict.

You have the opportunity to collect 3 versions from the German WW2 Panzer Lehr Regiment, which fought on the Eastern and Western fronts, playing a pivotal role in the Normandy battles. All our new Panzer IVs have Zimmerit, which was a paste-like covering, used on mid- and late-war German tanks and armoured fighting vehicles in WW2. Creating a hard layer covering the metal armour, giving enough separation that anti-tank magnetic mines attached would not stick to the vehicle.

All our Panzer IVs have different commanders and the side skirts are individual, there are many different ways to display your Panzer IVs, with full skirts, no skirts or with missing skirt side pieces.

With 50 of each version available as follows:

ACCPACK082A. Serial number 521 Commander looking through binos.

ACCPACK082B. Serial number 524 Commander looking right.

ACCPACK082C. Serial number 634 Commander with eye patch.

Further close up pictures below, showing detail,
Limited availability - 50 of each tank.

Priced at $260/£250

A big thank you to Steve McMenamin for his help and research.


That's it for this week, hope you enjoyed the pictures and the products

Those are our releases for June 2024, there is a great mix for collectors. We hope you like them and they spark your collecting interest. We have some exciting releases to come in 2024, including the Marder, as well as other WW2 armour and vehicles, some without a German Cross on them as well!

Thank you for your continued support, we really appreciate it. If you wish to contact us, please email us at Welcome@gunnclub.co.uk and one of the Thomas Gunn Team will get straight back to you. Except Alfie of course, the office dog/mascot, he is terrible at email and makes absolutely makes no sense on the telephone.

Best wishes The Gunn Team


View attachment 306355
SS158B Hella female auxiliary [blonde hair] barking out orders.

Wonder if we can expect the characters from 'Allo 'Allo, a Helga and Herr Flick in the future ?

A Rene with his staff and Cafe of Customers would be popular I'd think

Certainly an interesting and surprising set of releases this month.
I love the Praetorians and appreciate the return of the fighting dog - very nice!
Edda and Hella look good but Gerta (not so much). ^&grin
The idea of a future hut sounds cool, would love to see what TG has in mind.

Wonder if we can expect the characters from 'Allo 'Allo, a Helga and Herr Flick in the future ?
A Rene with his staff and Cafe of Customers would be popular I'd think
Always loved that show, Steve. Have not seen it in years.
Great idea for some cafe patrons.
I keep looking at the Gerta figure thinking, "where have I seen her before"? :confused:


Then it came to me... for those of you who remember Chris Farley from SNL: {sm4}


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