Just like 44 (1 Viewer)


Jan 17, 2007
You may not be over sexed! You may not be over here? You certainly must be over paid, as it seems you are the only people who can afford those marvelous War Birds.:(
As our grandfathers found back in the day, we can't compete with our American friends and their big bucks!
Has any UK collector ordered a War Bird?
Well at least we have the Crimea!:p
How can you red blooded Englishmen pass on that Typhoon! Come on Clive, Rob, Kevin? One of you must have ordered one!
You may not be over sexed! You may not be over here? You certainly must be over paid, as it seems you are the only people who can afford those marvelous War Birds.:(
As our grandfathers found back in the day, we can't compete with our American friends and their big bucks!
Has any UK collector ordered a War Bird?
Well at least we have the Crimea!:p

I don't know... our Big bucks aren't so big anymore.

There was a time when the British Pound was $3.75US
Now at $1.99 that's good! Soon we will be at par with GBP and that's good news for K&C UK. Now they can market to U.S. customers

Just curious...do Brits buy KC from US dealers? With their almighty GBP, its like buying same KC product at about 42% off! A good example is, take the Jeep Patrol at $105US vs. GBP89.95. That's $179 if I were to buy it at the Neville's(KCUK). But a Brit buying in the U.S. that's GBP52.76 (GBP 89.95/1.99)...hmmm maybe there's a tax implication here, I don't know, but inquiring minds want to know.
How can you red blooded Englishmen pass on that Typhoon! Come on Clive, Rob, Kevin? One of you must have ordered one!

Don't Louis,you'll make me cry!!!.I would have sold a close relative for one of those Typhoons,the very symbol of German tank destruction in Normandy.But i just couldn't afford one.I'd hoped Andy would reproduce them on a cheaper more widely available scale.But i understand we won't get one in Normandy markings.I am gutted because i like to think of myself as a dedicated and loyal K&C fan but i guess i'm not because i just can't go to that price.:eek:


here are the facts!

Great Britain being an island and since robin Hood never made it into politics the tax's work out this way in this country:-

K&C HK work in USD$ for traders! so All american and most of asia have a straight forward time buying as a dealer.

In the UK we have import duty on the shipment from HK, USA does not (i understand it, correct me if iam wrong)

Then when the items arrive the good old Black Baron named the VAT man adds his 17.5% to everything (this varies around all EU countries now from 15.2% up as far as 22%)

In the USA you only have the local state taxs which vary state to state but i dont think you have any as high as Europe!

We have loads of customers who buy from USA and i dont blame them some times, I buy a lot of sports nutrion and Star wars items from USA it is a lot cheaper...........but this is the however!

Strictly speaking and if things are done correct!!!!! When the parcel arrives in the UK you should have to pay 10% (of the invoice price) for Import from USA (% varies country to country), you then should pay the 17.5% VAT (Value Added tax). Then you have the postage costs a couple of sets would be circa £10 - £15
Now if the Good Old UK postal system then deliver these goods they can charge you anything from £5 - £25 for the privalage of them taking the other taxes!

If all this happened and it does then you are looking at a higher cost than that of an item in the UK.

Also then if it is broken in shipping you have to send it back!

For the above tax reasons we are not carrying the war birds as the pass on cost if i wanted to feed my kids as well would make them double the price of which they could get them direct from HKK&C. Having said that we have not had a direct enquiry about them! Although i know those that want them know where to get them.

Also Noli the $1.99 you mention you will not get on the high street if you use credit cards and vist the banks etc they will use around $1.80 - $1.85 to the pound!

The reverse if you buy from outside the EU you do not pay UK VAT!

Plus also with our good frineds in the USA there are plenty of quality dealers looking after you guys! UK and europe are still enough for us. And dont forget that 65% of our sales are mail order or telephone not the whole world is on the WWW therefore cannot find K&C from around the world!

Hope this gives you a good idea of the Global K&C trade

tony Neville

I started this thread as in away a back handed compliment to the skills of the K&C crafts men. I would love a War Bird. If I could justify the spending to the wife and kids then I would be at the front of the queue. The price in dollars just about equals the pay rise for the whole year granted by Mr Brown.
The craftmanship seems worth it the grief from she who must be obayed I could live with.
The biggest pain is not even paying the import taxes, but as I found to my cost when there was no John Jenkins Uk dealer is the added killer of having to pay almost as much again to the postal service /UPS for them to take and process the duty for HM customs!
So pay for the goods, pay the postage, pay the customs and then pay for them to take the taxes!:mad:
Just curious...do Brits buy KC from US dealers? With their almighty GBP, its like buying same KC product at about 42% off! N-P

Hi guys

I don't know how many UK collectors buy from across the pond, but I for one certainly do. I'm not a BIG buyer, but on the last three lots I bought I saved over £50 per shipment on UK prices - that's everything taken into account: the USD price + shipping from the US [next to nothing with the company I bought from] + VAT and 'handling charge' once it arrived in the UK. K+C figures do not attract an import duty on arrival in this country. Added to that, I'm really impressed with how fast the stuff arrives - I ordered the last batch of figures on a Friday evening [UK time] over the net and by the following Wednesday [10.15 am to be precise] the guy from FedEX was knocking on the door. Fantastic service - :D:D:D

I read your post and just don't understand how you guys can live with so much taxes over there. I mean you all should think about going down to the docks and dumping some "tea" into the Thames River - it worked for us Americans in Boston!! :D

I don't drink tea and i sure ain't dumping my Whisky!!!!!:eek:
What we need is a new prime minister.....d'oh!!!:D
Couldn't the Crimea figures be shipped directly to US customers from HK to avoid the extra shipping and taxes?
No, because this is purely a K & C UK project. They paid the full freight on the costs and all sales are made from the UK. No sales are being made by K & C. If you want to purchase any of the figures, you have to purchase them directly from the Nevilles.
...Hope this gives you a good idea of the Global K&C trade

tony Neville



Thanks for the info. Now, that's very educational. You just gave us an insight on global trade.

A new Robin Hood needs to be raised to kill "VATMAN."

No, because this is purely a K & C UK project. They paid the full freight on the costs and all sales are made from the UK. No sales are being made by K & C. If you want to purchase any of the figures, you have to purchase them directly from the Nevilles.

I mean, couldn't the order be placed with K&C UK, but then dropshipped to the US customer? So, its still a UK sale.
re the crimea, all on stock is held by us not Hong kong!

You should e-mail me. iam in London at the moment via my phone but I will reply on Monday

Tony Neville

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