just out of curiosity, how many ex-military out there? (1 Viewer)


Sep 17, 2006
i know that by reading the threads, there are a few ex-military people on board... just curious to find out how many?
I was 5 years in the Canadian Forces - Canadian Scottish Regiment. 3 years with the unit wearing a kilt on parade or combats in training - then 2 years at National Defence HQ wearing trews and commanding nothing but a desk. Had no time for it when I started a career as a civil servant - good thing, otherwise I might have ended up in Afghanistan :eek: :eek:
Hi Guys,

I have 12 years Active Duty as an Armor Officer and 8 bumming around the Reserves.

Lots of fun when I was junior and on tanks not so much when I was doing staff and Public Affairs time:mad:

Still lot of good memories

All the Best

forgot to list myself.... field radio operater (good old prc-25), viet nam 67-68
Currently on active duty with the US Marines.
Semper Fi!
Three years Marine Corp 1958-1961 and Three years inactive reserves. Leadmen
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4 years active and 11 years in the guard and still going........
Drafted 2 years active duty during vietnam war. 2 years national guard . than sighned up for four more years national guard.
I was 5 years in the Canadian Forces - Canadian Scottish Regiment. 3 years with the unit wearing a kilt on parade or combats in training - then 2 years at National Defence HQ wearing trews and commanding nothing but a desk. Had no time for it when I started a career as a civil servant - good thing, otherwise I might have ended up in Afghanistan :eek: :eek:
Got any kilt pictures for showing whom you are?
3 Years Active

9,10,11 I dunno how many years in the guard. I lost count and never really bothered to look back into it.
Sorry not me guys!

Dad was an MP with the British Army for 9years finishing as a Corporal.
based out in Singapore, France and Germany

Tony Neville
I'm surprised he was only a Corporal Tony. After talking to your Dad a few times, he seems to me a natural born leader. However, the military's loss was our gain.
I'm surprised he was only a Corporal Tony. After talking to your Dad a few times, he seems to me a natural born leader. However, the military's loss was our gain.

Come again?? The rank of Corporal is the first step in the NCO leadership chain. Didn't Sgt. York earn the Congressional as Cpl York?? I can also think of a very famous football star turned Ranger that was posthumously promoted to Corporal following his tragic passing.

I can also think of a sadistic psychopathic ex-Corporal that nearly lead the world to oblivion :eek::eek:

After 9 years, he should have probably advanced beyond Corporal but some units are really strange like that. My grandfather did 22 years in the USAF and retired a Staff Sergeant (E-6) basically because he fought with the brass as often as he could. My old man, well, he made Master Sgt (E-8)- learned from his fathers mistakes and carefully picked his fights. :D

If he was the natural leader as you suggest, he probably had a propensity to speak his mind and tell his "Superiors" exactly what they didn't want to hear-the truth. Which unfortunately isn't the way to get ahead in some units- it can unfortunately come down to boot lickin'.

You really don't see a lot of Corporals in today's American Army. Corporals are generally designated for combat arms MOS's like infantry, arty, armor, etc. Other MOS's have Specialists (E-4's as well) but they lack the authority of the non-com that the Cpl has. They both get paid the same though. :rolleyes:

Just razzing you Brad.:D

After I posted that, I thought "I hope I don't get anybody upset." Sorry if I did :eek: I just thought that after talking to him a few times and finding out he was in the service, that he would have made it to the top of the NCO list.

After I posted that, I thought "I hope I don't get anybody upset." Sorry if I did :eek: I just thought that after talking to him a few times and finding out he was in the service, that he would have made it to the top of the NCO list.

Oh no Brad, I am not upset in the least and I don't think anyone took it that way- we are still VERY VERY cool!! I was just razzing you a bit was all. :D:D


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