K&C Horse Colours- Are they missing Deep Red Chestnut ? (1 Viewer)

Captain Smart

Private 2
Oct 27, 2015
I just wondered if any of you K&C Collectors have noticed that particularly of their most recent cavalry releases in the Napoleonics Range, the 2nd Life Guards, Cuirassiers and new French 7th Hussars that they lack a really truly red chestnut horse which was common amongst them then. K&C have plenty of Duns, Bays, Browns, dark red brown/ brown and Grey/white and Black/charcoal coloured horses..

However amongst their Real West Range there is the odd true chestnut horse:) So they can do them? Is it just a Premium thing? As Chestnut is not difficult paint to mix?

What's people opinion on this? It's a minor quibble - point with me but I hope K&C addresses this with forthcoming Napoleonic Cavalry a releases :rolleyes::confused:

NB: I ignore the NA French mounted Grenadiers of the Guard which specifically had Dark brown / Black horses issued to them as did most mounted Heavy Cavalry officers and Generals..

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