K&C Rumor? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
I,ve heard this rumor recently, although I do not think it is true, that K&C is teaming up with someone else to do a plastic playset.
True or false? Andy?
Hasn't Andy previously said he's not interested in plastics?
Brad, yes he has and that is why I do not think this to be true, but there is speculation that there will be a brand new playset introduced at OTSN by a brand new player.
Just received an email today from a knowledgeable collector who passed that rumor on to me.
Well, I guess we'll find ou one way or the other in a couple of weeks. Hasn't there been talk of a September surprise?

I don't have any views about plastics pro or con so whatever he decides is fine by me. He usually makes pretty savvy decisions.
I think the BMC Iwo Jima plastics were relatively popular so perhaps it's something similar with retired sets from the WS and DD series?
I hope that this rumor is true!:cool: I posted my thoughts on this in a past thread about wishing andy would do some plastics. Even if it was like what he did with the del prado line, Andy,s sculpts teamed with a plastics company who put up the money for the plastic moulds. I think that this would also help attract new younger collectors to K&C.
Unpainted for me.
After the sculpting and moulding costs have been spent out, I suspect that the actual material costs for producing a metal figure won't be that much greater than a plastic figure (I'm sure one of the dealers / manufacturers will correct me if I'm wrong. The greater expense has surely got to be in the hand painting of the figures.

If the idea is to provide a cheaper alternative to the 'standard' (sorry, that does kind of underestate the quality) metal painted figures, then surely unpainted has to be the way to go.

Besides, painted metal will primarily be aimed at adult collectors for display purposes. Plastic could be for the younger (and quite probably more 'mature' collector to play with.

I wouldn't let my kids play with any of my painted metal, but do, occasionally and reluctantly let them play with unpainted plastic.

My two pennys worth.

Do we want them painted or unfinished? Michael

I would like them in unpainted plastic also but, companies like conte have released them in both painted and unpainted and seem to do very well with both.
I think unpainted geared towards younger enthusiasts.It would be nice if they were packaged with color images of the painted metal figures as a painting/inspiration guide as well.
Kid buys a set of say Alamo Mexican infantry, theres images of the painted metal set and on the back of the brochure a brief tutorial on how to paint figures.The guide could be standard 'HOW TO" and need not be specific to each different set .
Thats how I'd do it, but whatdo I know.

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