K&C WB02: Corsair w/ Pilot (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
I have wanted this for so long but just couldn't pull the trigger at the prices being asked. Finally found one (maybe from someone here :rolleyes: ) at a price I could deal with. I had never seen it in person, but now that I see the real deal, I like it even more!


What a wonderful purchase .Enjoy it my friend
Look really good , love the weathering around the nose
Very nice piece. I like the weathering as well. It's always great to get an item that you've been looking for a long time.
I have been in a similar hunt for a rare warbird, the Grummann Torpedo Bomber, TBM - it exists, but I have never even seen a picture of one, never mind an actual model. Anyways, grats on the great find!!!

Your going to need a bigger house, because now your going to have the Warbirds "Wing". That is a sweet bird though!

John from Texas

PS: I can still see you in your underwear in your reflection of your display case pics you sexy lawyer you.
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Nice looking plane! The one WWII plane I would love most to add. Congratulations!
Nice purchase. Thats one of my favorite war birds. And my dads too. He had a special story about them in wwii. Ron

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