Ken--question about FIW club figure (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Jan 17, 2006

I really love the club figure of the 1st foot guards private that was available to club members this year. Would you be able to tell us if there will be any forth coming figures in the FIW Classics line (non-club exclusives) that will compliment this club figure? I am aware of the 1st foot guard grenadiers, but will there be more of the "battalion type" pieces with the tricorn hats?

Hi There!
We will have a number of 'Hat Men' or Center Company men soon including a new Officer and NCO. We are working hard to add figures to allow you to build various companies for several periods. That is all I can tell you for now!
All the Best, Ken
Thanks Ken--I appreciate your response and I look forward to seeing the figures when they come out.

Will there be a Light Flank Co. for the 1st Foot?


The regiments of Foot Guards had no permanent Light Companies until 1793 when these were added to the regiment. So in view of this there will be no Light flank Company figures for the pre 1768 range. We will add afew more Light Company figures to other units however...and to the post 1768 regulation figures.


How do the Pioneers fit in and how many would have been in a company?

In a Regiment there were normally 10 pioneers under the command of a Corporal or a Sergeant...for the Guards a Corporal. The Excercise of the period states..."The Sergeants are to post themselves on the right of the front rank, in line with the men; the Drummers on the right of them, and the Hatchetmen (Pioneers) to the right of the Drummers."
This would be for a company of 40 men. If the entire regiment parades then the positioning could be different, with Musik and Pioneers massed with the Colours in this period.
Hope this helps!
Hello All,
Ken asked me to post his photograph of the new club figures that arrived the other day. I agree, it looks like we could use a officer and an NCO for the center company, hmmmmmmmm.
All the best,

Individually the figures are great but as a group........STUNNING. Great work Ken and the Britains team :)
I need them marching, so that my French and Indian allies can ambush them more efficiently...Michael
Great figures, right up my alley, to go with my other Seven Years War figures of Frederick's army and the others on the Continent! You've really hit a stride with the Redcoats/Bluecoats series.

Yo Ericka, not my theme but they are superb, if this was a cavalry regiment I would be doing handstands. Got to know what camera you used for photo, its as good as the soldiers.

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