I have never been, horse racing is not an interest of mine. I would like to visit your fair state in the near future to take a trip on the Bourbon trail though!!
I'm actually still at the track (Monmouth Park). It was a madhouse here today.
When you come to California, Stay away from Napa. The wine is good but I went last month, for the first time in about 15 years, Some wineries were charging $15.00 to taste!That sounds like a great idea At the Maker's Mark distillery they will let you dip your own bottle in the red wax! I think they still do a shuttle trip to several distilleries, that way you don't have to drive Horse racing was never an interest of mine either, but living here for the last 4 years you sorta get sucked into it all. I'd like to make a trip to your state as well to visit the wine country, especially after watching the movie "Bottleshock."