King & country non combat figures (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Nov 5, 2006
Just picked up latest German wh engineer set and just wonder what your favourite KC non combat figures are and what you would like to see next made ?
I like the refugees/civilians, they are interesting as backdrops to war scenes. Hope Andy does more in the FOB series. Robin.
Civilians and more civilians in all kinds of situations and poses.
for your info Kronprinz just added a few new civilians to their range " Winds of War"
Yes hoping for more civvy's. I have a SA/Brown shirt diorama on the go, would love some civillian on-lookers to interact with the sets, especially with my LAH190/191 pieces.
Interesting topic. I don't have too many non-combat figures but I did pick up the engineers. They are an excellent set of figures. Nicely molded, very well painted.

My largest collection/theme is the North African campaign and I recently discovered the Life of Jesus theme that offers excellent figures for civilians. Only own one so far (the Water Carrier), but she's my personal favorite. Reminds me of a favorite Rat Patrol episode where Dietrich is helped by a blind woman (less the water). I plan to pick up a couple more figures from the theme.

My favorite civilian:

Afrikakorps Outpost (7): A Distant Drum by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

My favorite engineer. I love the wheelbarrow!

Night Shift (color) by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
I think K&C are missing a trick with certain Napoleonic Civilians they could do. I know serving *****es and Cantinas have been done for the Cuirassiers in the past and more recently for the superb French 7th Hussars . But the odd characterfu individual or theme related to the Napoleonic period could be done, say Characters out of Leo Tolstoys epic Novel 'War & Peace' say or William Makepeace Thackeray's 'Vanity Fair' both set in the period. They would make for some interesting noncombat Dioramas and collections in themselves^&cool
For me, it's a toss up, I love BBA029 "GI Drinking Coffee", you can almost feel how cold this guy is. And how happy he is to have a hot cup of Joe to sip! I have him parked next to BBA056 "Keepin Warm" and they look fantastic together. Followed closely by DD077 "War Correspondent", you just can't beat the huge nod to Ernie Pyle! (My wife likes this one)......BBA045 "GI Chef" is really nice too!

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