Knowledge/Information/Pictures of SCR 300? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Hey guys, I have a good lot mostly found on google, but was wondering if anyone had any original pictures on their computers found from wherever of radio operators with SCR 300 BC-1000s on their backs or near them from the Second World War?:)

Was also wondering if anyone had any information on the set itself? I will admit I know quite a lot about it and have an original American 1944 dated SCR 300 BC-1000 in original working order (minus original battery, as modern battery set up was used) and have two original manuals but am always interested in finding out more!^&grin Any knowledge you have of scr300 operators, even things you may have heard? Read? Anything at all, I would love to read it!^&grin

Also if anyone has any information about the 2nd Battalion US Rangers during the Second World War, or pictures, I would also like to hear about it!^&grin

Thanks a lot!:wink2:
I only have one pic of the SC300 ( better known of course as a "Walkie Talkie" radio) - which is below. I think you might already have this one - as it's pretty well known - but just in case you haven't........................- out - johnnybach.
Found this rather nicely sculpted US Infantryman carring the set on his back - but was unable to find out where to get one from.

Anybody know any details? jb
Brilliant mate!^&grinYes have seen that picture befor ebut never had it saved so thanks haha!^&grin

Will take a look at that link now!^&cool

Hi again Scott. A pal of mine has tipped me off about that TS figure.

It is a Russian made figure from "minisoldiers" - all one word. They have a web-site - and he's in there somewhere!

I'm advised that he could be expensive - as I've found him in a German based shop - where he is priced at 15 Eurous (around 12 GB pounds!).

I like him - but not at that price for an unpainted resin casting!

Incidentally - there is a lot more info available on the Radio - on Wikipedia - including copy-able manuals - if you haven't already had a look. johnnybach

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