Kronprinz and First Legion 7YW figures (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2009
Hoping to see Emilio add to Kronprinz's fine 7YW line, I really think you can blend them with FL and they work very well. Photo is to show scale and quality only. regards Gebhard

Nice,, I'm hoping the kronprinz Italians fit with the FL Afrika Korps..

Hoping to see Emilio add to Kronprinz's fine 7YW line, I really think you can blend them with FL and they work very well. Photo is to show scale and quality only. regards Gebhard

I have used Kronprinz Prussians with JJD's Leuthen Prussians,and I think they work well,especially if you stand the Fusiliers at the back; they look like a fusilier company coming on in support of the grenadiers.Kronprinz says their Prussians belong to the 15th Regt and they have red facings,cuffs and turnbacks which match the JJD grenadiers.
I have used Kronprinz Prussians with JJD's Leuthen Prussians,and I think they work well,especially if you stand the Fusiliers at the back; they look like a fusilier company coming on in support of the grenadiers.Kronprinz says their Prussians belong to the 15th Regt and they have red facings,cuffs and turnbacks which match the JJD grenadiers.

Would love to see some photo's if you got some, or a link if I missed them. best Gebhard
Apologies,Gebhard,I'm afraid I have no photo's as I don't own a camera and I doubt my computer skills would run to posting pictures.HOWEVER,if I can sell my farm and retire(as I hope to do at the end of this year) then watch this space!I have been collecting now for about a decade and have around 500 figures,all 18th century or Napoleonic and I have them arranged in glass cabinets around a number of themes which I hope to develop into dioramas and displays.My earliest figures were Frontline and early K&C(AWI) and then JJD and more recently FL and most recently Kronprinz.Although I am only a recent forum member,I have followed the forum for about six or seven years and have been inspired by a number of members who post awe inspiring displays.I look forward to posting on the forum in the future.
Apologies,Gebhard,I'm afraid I have no photo's as I don't own a camera and I doubt my computer skills would run to posting pictures.HOWEVER,if I can sell my farm and retire(as I hope to do at the end of this year) then watch this space!I have been collecting now for about a decade and have around 500 figures,all 18th century or Napoleonic and I have them arranged in glass cabinets around a number of themes which I hope to develop into dioramas and displays.My earliest figures were Frontline and early K&C(AWI) and then JJD and more recently FL and most recently Kronprinz.Although I am only a recent forum member,I have followed the forum for about six or seven years and have been inspired by a number of members who post awe inspiring displays.I look forward to posting on the forum in the future.

No trouble at all, I wouldn't worry about posting photo's when you get a camera. Its real easy believe me I'm no computer wiz if you need help there are plenty of how to posts or just shoot me a pm I'd be happy to help if I can.

Sounds like you have a really nice collection, I've never counted how many figures I have if I did I might realize I have too many :redface2:. Good luck selling the farm and with retirement, look forward to future post. best Gebhard

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