Dear customers and friends.
We are gradually closing down our ebay store to channel all our sales at our new website :
We hope that the newcatalog organization will result more comfortable and understandable than on ebay.
If you find any error or defect in the functioning of the site, do not hesitate to inform us.
You know that the shipping is free on orders over € 96 . either an order of Australia or Spain .
We have improved the packaging system so that the pieces arrive at their destination well protected .
Remember that we do not manufacture in China. All our figures are manufactured in Spain , and we are currently selecting staff to expand our production capacity .
We appreciate your patience with our time costs , mainly due to the fact already mentioned that our production is still small and basically perform figures on request. Despite this we continue to make new figures , which are regularly added to our already extensive catalog .
We have started a new series on the Spanish Civil War with a group of Phalangist militiamen , again based on a painting by Augusto Ferrer Dalmau. Other units soon appear on both sides of this conflict .