kurt panzer meyer (1 Viewer)


Feb 9, 2006
if anybody is interested kurt meyer got the nickname panzermeyer before he joined the waffen ss,he was enroled at the police academy at schwerin while still in training he tried to play a prank on a fellow policeman planning to dump a pail of water on the man as he passed by a building,meyer slipped from the roof of the building and fell nearly three stories landed on his feet and suffered more than twenty fractures and was not expected to live.he recovered almost losing the use of a leg.out of admiration for his physical toughness his fellow policemen began calling him panzermeyer.after the war the canadians sentenced him to death for war crimes,later it was changed to life and he was transferred to a british military prison in germany,he was releashed on 6th september 1954 his health began to deteriorate and he died of a heart attack while celebrating his fiftieth birhday in 1960.

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