Late War American Paras (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Would be great if Andy could repaint the American para releases with all green m43 uniforms. These would work in a Market Garden/early bulge / 1945 setting.May also bring costs down a little to paint the uniforms all one colour!

Don't think any metal manufacturer has ever produced paras in M43 uniforms for a range. Could argue that one could paint them themselves but why spend all that money on a figure to repaint it?

Would be great if Andy could repaint the American para releases with all green m43 uniforms. These would work in a Market Garden/early bulge / 1945 setting.May also bring costs down a little to paint the uniforms all one colour!

Don't think any metal manufacturer has ever produced paras in M43 uniforms for a range. Could argue that one could paint them themselves but why spend all that money on a figure to repaint it?


What do you mean with "early bulge"? ^&confuse
While we are on the subject of the M43 uniform + Buckle boots are there any other collectors out there who would love to see a few/several/lots??? of US Infantry figures in late war uniforms and without a dusting of snow so we can put some historically correct dioramas together for the last 3-4 months of the war. Really there were not many..(if any) G.I.s that were sloshing around in the mostly hated gaitors so late on in the war .....So 43s, Buckle boots, Shoe pak"s...Bring em on!!!!!.


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