Latest Stadden For Collection (1 Viewer)


Memoriam Member
Jan 9, 2008
Yo Troopers, just bought these three Chas Staddens for the collection:D.

First. # 131. Drummer Scots Guards 1984. This should say Bugled, because #130 is also same title Scots Guard Drummer 1984 without Bugle. (So someone bugled on this) any comment Andy, or Geoff:eek:.

Second # 30. NCO Of The Blues & Royals 1978.

Third # 59 George Washington.

Will put better photo's up when they arrive. Mount Up.


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I have been following your posts of the Stadden Figures, its great to see them in full colour on this site.

I was given a Coldstream Guard c 1776 by a freind who 'found' him in an antique shop in Greenwich about 10 years ago. He's been sitting in my collection, looking so sad, as he's only a casting!

What I'd like to know is, were they ever sold as castings?

My friend did take him to meet Steve Hare at the Tradition of London shop, and Steve says he is original, but didn't say whether he had been painted. I cannot see any paint residue, so some sort of paint stripper could have been used, but nothing abrasive.

When I've painted him, I'll be sure to post his image on the Forum for all to see,


3 more great pieces for the cabinet Bernard. Pretty soon you will be able to open up the "Chas Stadden Museum" LOL :)

I have been following your posts of the Stadden Figures, its great to see them in full colour on this site.

I was given a Coldstream Guard c 1776 by a freind who 'found' him in an antique shop in Greenwich about 10 years ago. He's been sitting in my collection, looking so sad, as he's only a casting!

What I'd like to know is, were they ever sold as castings?

My friend did take him to meet Steve Hare at the Tradition of London shop, and Steve says he is original, but didn't say whether he had been painted. I cannot see any paint residue, so some sort of paint stripper could have been used, but nothing abrasive.

When I've painted him, I'll be sure to post his image on the Forum for all to see,



Yo Trooper, Sorry John only just seen your reply. The painted version of your model, was # 8 and titled "Grenadier of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards-1776". Now if your model has the same title, its a kit model sold to collectors to paint themselves, and will have a hollow base. But if it has a shorter title "Coldstream Guard c 1776" it will be a Buckingham Pewter model, and will have a larger base than the photo's below (see photo of a Buckingham pewter type model) It will have a hollow base and you will see its Hallmarked inside the base, because they were made of high grade pewter. It was just another outlet of the Chas Stadden set up, mainly to attract the serving Regiments at the time. If you list a photo I will let you know its complete IE: should be carrying a rifle on his shoulder. I can supply a photo from the Catalogue if you want to know how he was painted. If you get it wrong you will have (trooper) on your case:eek: Plus the two new guys (Andy Kent) & (GEOFF M) are ex Top Class Stadden painters:D.


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thanks for your speedy reply to my question, and the valuable information about tehse Stadden figures.

From what you have told me, and my inspection of the guardsman, he is a Buckingham Pewter figure, and thats because of the name on the base, and the hallmark inside.

I'm sure that from the image below it will be obvious to you, being the expert in thhis field, as I'm only a newcomner when it related to these 'big figures', seeeing I only really collect 54mm.


Thanks for the offer of painting instructions, but it not hard to find the unifrom deatils for that era, and I'll be sure to show him off to you all when he's painted.

kind regards,

Yo Troopers, just got the Chas model # 59 George Washington, its a really nice model, and so far the heaviest of the single models due to his large cape.
Wonered how I was able to rob this model at a knock down price from the US and boxed as well. Then thought this guy musn't be very popular in the US:rolleyes:.
So sat there thinking why he was unpopular think I found the answer;).

He was Commander of the Continental Army that threw the British out, so you guys are probably thinking if he hadn't done that, all us US guys would be able to speak English properly:p. know how to make a cup of tea, we would have fish & chip shops, and would have learnt how to play Cricket, football, Rugby Union, instead of the silly games we have to play now:D lol.

Yo Troopers before the attack starts lol. MUST warn you the "Light Brigade" is Mounted, waiting to repel all Borders from attacks from the US:p.


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Yo Troopers, just got the Chas model # 59 George Washington, its a really nice model, and so far the heaviest of the single models due to his large cape.
Wonered how I was able to rob this model at a knock down price from the US and boxed as well. Then thought this guy musn't be very popular in the US:rolleyes:.
So sat there thinking why he was unpopular think I found the answer;).

He was Commander of the Continental Army that threw the British out, so you guys are probably thinking if he hadn't done that, all us US guys would be able to speak English properly:p. know how to make a cup of tea, we would have fish & chip shops, and would have learnt how to play Cricket, football, Rugby Union, instead of the silly games we have to play now:D lol.

Yo Troopers before the attack starts lol. MUST warn you the "Light Brigade" is Mounted, waiting to repel all Borders from attacks from the US:p.

Are you saying that had not our George kicked your George out we would be Northern Ireland ?
:D..Nice figures Bernard,
I'll be photographing the collection at my Fathers place Sunday.....say tuned...;)
Are you saying that had not our George kicked your George out we would be Northern Ireland ?

Yo Bob, nah Northern Ireland is still Ruled by the British. It took the Irish until 1921 to get rid of the Brits, and then only got a Free State, still had to doff their cap to the King of England until 1949 when they declared full Independence. So your George was quite a guy, and organised one load of rabble into the mightest Country in the World. Some guy.:D.

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