Leaflet regarding change of LTSS Venue (1 Viewer)

Old Bill

Sergeant First Class
Nov 26, 2008
Given out with entrance pack at the recent December LTSS:


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I love it when a show moves and all the virtues of the new location get promoted; they always leave out one important point.

The new venue is always cheaper for the promoter to rent................................good luck with the move everyone.

I will say the two level London show was always a head scratcher; imagine being a vendor on the second floor and waiting for the elevator, it must take forever to hump your goods in from your vehicle and them up the elevator.

No thanks to that, that would take me 900 trips with the raftload of boxes I have at shows.
Sorry to say that the outlook does not look good for the London shows.

From a central London hotel, to a suburban exhibition centre, and now to a school sports hall?

A definite decline. Perhaps linked to the demise of K&C uk? The show is definiteley not the same without them.
Sorry to say that the outlook does not look good for the London shows.

From a central London hotel, to a suburban exhibition centre, and now to a school sports hall?

A definite decline. Perhaps linked to the demise of K&C uk? The show is definiteley not the same without them.

At this rate It'll be in Slough soon (No disrespect to Slough). Why don't the organisers listen to their customers (Traders and buyers!)?

Sorry to say that the outlook does not look good for the London shows.

From a central London hotel, to a suburban exhibition centre, and now to a school sports hall?

A definite decline. Perhaps linked to the demise of K&C uk? The show is definiteley not the same without them.

It's sad isn't it.

The sure way to kill a show is to move it; not only move it, but move it multiple times.

In some instances, the promoters hands are tied as the venue holds them hostage, raising the fees, jerking them around with parking and other such nonsense, or not allowing them to commit to a firm date, rather waiting to see if a better opportunity comes along for the location, thus leaving the promoter hanging.

Other times, it's on the promoter, trying to secure the cheapest venue possible, whether it be a dumpy bingo hall or a fleabag hotel, often times at the expense of location or ease of loading/unloading.

We've had some thriving shows go south due to changes in venues or dates; sometimes you wonder if promoters are in it for the good of the hobby or are just glorified table salesmen with zero interest in growing the hobby.

Regardless, I wish the attendees and vendors nothing but the best, I hope for everyones sake the show continues along without a hitch.
From a central London hotel, to a suburban exhibition centre, and now to a school sports hall?

It doesn't worry me ......

I'm coming from half way around the world, to London, and if its another 10 minutes out of town, who cares (after an 18 hour flight ???)

As long as the show goes on, which is the main thing, get out there and support it....

You don't know how lucky you are to have 3 toy soldier shows a year!!! We don't have any here on the West Coast of Australia.

Good news is that I'm heading to Europe in springtime, and finishing the trip in London in June, just in time for the Toy Soldier Show on 10th June, so see you all there.

Dear Collectors,

For the last 13 years I fly twice per year from Greece to London to "visit" (i.e. to spend enough money) the London Toy Soldier Show and I had many great weekends over there.
I felt a little disappointed when the Show moved to the new venue, because I still believe that Royal National was the perfect place. I wish there was someone who could get the Show back there. But it seems that there is not. So, we have to decide: do we want the Show? If Yes, then we have to support it. If we do not want it, let us leave it to languish. In this case we hear afterwards some comments like "pity" or "shame" etc; but maybe it would be to late. So, I am going to be at Chalk Farm next December to collect my toy soldiers, to shake the hand of each of my suppliers saying "thank you for all" and "see you in March" and after the Show I will go for a walk to Camden.
I will also have to admit that there are some issues with the current venue. I have heard many complaints for vendors about the parking (there is a constant pressure) and the difficulty to unpack and carry their stuff upstairs. I also heard myself, while I was scanning the tables, some threatening announcements about removal of vehicles, clumping, fines etc. So, it is natural for the organisers to try and find a more friendly venue. Finally I do not see anything wrong in Guideline trying to have a small profit. Someone must run the Show.
That is why I agree with Obee and I am sure that the rest of you also do.

Best Wishes to all and Merry Christmas

Athanasios Barmpagiannis

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