Little Hetzer Lost (1 Viewer)



L1.jpgL2.jpg Little Hetzer got himself lost ...teach him to read the map upside down...this is an experimental background for a diorama made from Flour and Salt...17 Inches long...13 inches wide and approx 12 inches high at the rear...has taken two weeks to dry rock hard......cost....less than $ method for Castles,,,forts...buildings....when I deciede what to do with it,I will paint it....TomB
I may just have to steal that idea and claim it as my own!
I may just have to steal that idea and claim it as my own!
Your welcome....3 flour to one part salt.....3 to 1...I have tried four different mix's....they all work...the simplest is the 3 to 1 mixed with cold or boiling water...the wife could mix it up for you in a few minutes....knead the dough for about 4 minutes and Bobs yer water give's a more plyable dough...does not set any quicker.......try a small a cardboard mock up...cut out windows...door.....roll out dough over cardboard wall etc ( Damp cardboard slightly so dough will stick)...use a knife to trim and cut out windows and doors.....let set for about a week in good old Qld sunshine and stick the walls... together with the same dough mix...damp it a wee bit so it sticks...gapes can be filled in with the dough....thickness...about 5 mm to get the hang of it...any thickness you want as you build...bigger and could build a Turkish Village for a Light Horse dio for less than the cost of a single brought building......anyway Jack...if you are interested I am quiet happy to help you with any questions...cheers TomB

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